.net Framework Fatal Error (install Stuck)

Discussion in 'Software' started by techtitan, Oct 15, 2018.

  1. techtitan

    techtitan Specialist

    I recently got help with a Windows 7 corruption issue over in the hardware forum (link here), where I used my Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 disc to "upgrade" my current copy. This was done to refresh things in the hopes of undoing some corruption from years gone by I was experiencing without losing all my installed programs and settings.

    Everything worked fine, but it nuked my .NET Framework stuff. I've been using Windows Update to get everything caught up, except for some reason none of the .NET stuff will work. It always gives me the failure notice with the generic error code.

    I even tried the fresh approach. I used the repair tool to try and fix things, but that didn't work. I used the removal tool to get rid of any traces, following it with CC Cleaner to clear out any temps and repair the registry. Then I downloaded 1.0, 1.1 service pack and the 3.5 from the MS website. I was able to install the first two, but the 3.5 won't even load for some reason. So I'm currently just sitting at version 1.1 with no way forward. The off-line installer of 4.6.1 always fails with the fatal error message, and Windows Updates version looking to be 4.7.2 (but I can't get to it because it fails as well).

    This is the last thing holding me back from getting my system back on its feet. But I've tried everything (including installing from clean boots and tuning on the .NET Framework settings in the Turn on Features menu). Need guidance in getting this unstuck somehow.

  2. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    MS .NET Framework 1.1 replaced 1.0.
    You don't need 1.0.

    MS .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 is included with Windows 7.
    You can't install 3.5 SP1.

    Can you post more info about the fatal error message?
  3. techtitan

    techtitan Specialist

    Thanks for the response, much appreciated!

    Thanks for the info on the Framework installs. I just basically went down the list of the ones they listed that should be installed, so I figured you had to stack them one at a time. I also used the MSI repair tool as well, which I forgot to mention before. Just want that step out there.

    As for the latest error, there isn't a lot I know to say. It's a very generic error in both Windows Update and the offline installer I downloaded for 4.6.1. Here are some screenshots and I have attached the log file that the repair tool generates. They are as follows:

    #1 - This is what the offline installer for 4.6.1 says after the install fails


    #2 - This is what it says when I try to click on the "see log file" in the above dialog box, but I get a sharing error when Dreamweaver opens it. Not sure if this is relevant to anything or just something left over from the upgrade I still need to refresh with my Adobe program. The RAR file of my Repair Tool log is attached below.


    #3 - This is what Windows Update says, which is just another generic error code (far as I know, based on what I've researched). I'm stuck on these two Framework patches and then the update to 4.7.2.



    Attached Files:

  4. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

  5. techtitan

    techtitan Specialist

    Thanks, but I have a litteany of programs on my system that are dependent on the later versions of the program (paint.net is just one of many). So if I don't fix this now, I'm just setting myself up for failure later. Plus, I refuse to let something like this beat me on my system. It's the last stumbling block and I'm determined to fix it. I'm sure there is a way, I just need the knowledge to attack it with.

    I did run your version checkers though, and can confirm I'm stitting at .NET 2.0, .NET 3.0 and .NET 3.5 (1.1 no longer shows in the installed programs list for some reason). Will stand by for more info.
  6. satrow

    satrow Major Geek Extraordinaire

  7. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

  8. techtitan

    techtitan Specialist

    Yes, but the installer fails and gives a fatal error message before that happens (see above). That's what we're trying to trouble shoot. I can't upgrade to anything past 3.5 for some reason.

    Yes, as far as I know. These are the last three, not sure if any are to come after this. If I hide these, can I continue on updating and come back to them later? Not sure if that would somehow help or if there are any more coming down the pipe, but I'm willing to try.
  9. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    It's worth a try.
  10. satrow

    satrow Major Geek Extraordinaire

    What AV/security software are you using?
  11. techtitan

    techtitan Specialist

    BitDefender 2019, but all its components have been disable at start up before the upgrade, so it's active scanning didn't interferer.

    So I went ahead and hid those updates and re-ran it after a rest, but no new updates showed up. So looks like I've gotten it current. Problem is, the list of possible things blocking the install (from that link you provided) unfortunately didn't address my issue. All of those talk about a specific issue, while mine is more of a general generic one (fatal error doesn't shed much like or give any clues).

    In a YouTube video of someone having the same issue, someone posted in the comments that they tracked the issue to a corrupt folder. By locating it and renaming it, they were able to get things working. I already tried renaming both Framework folders in the Windows folder and one other folder in the Microsoft/Crypto/RSA folder, but none of that helped. Is it possible this could be a corruption somewhere else I could try to clean out that either CC Cleaner or the repair/removal tools didn't find?
  12. satrow

    satrow Major Geek Extraordinaire

    It was the sharing violation error that made me wonder about your AV, I'd uninstall it to test.

    Another possibility is that the newest W7 updates have been flaky, I think the latest CU has been pulled so if the version you have installed is that one, you might want to wait a few days (or uninstall it and wait) before trying WU once more.

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