Nethood folder problem

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by WillTRiker, Sep 8, 2008.

  1. WillTRiker

    WillTRiker Private E-2

    I'm having an odd problem here. I'm getting cramped for space on my WinXP partition so I used TreeSize to see if I could find some stuff that I could get rid off.

    According to TreeSize my Nethood folder contains a folder that is 1600 MB big (it contains half a dozen of mkv files). It's an old link to my TerraStation, but that folder got renamed so in essence this folder doesn't exist anymore. What's more is that when I go in the Explorer itself and go to the Nethood folder the links TreeSize can find can't be found in the windows explorer itself.

    So the question is, how can I kill off this link that seems to be hogging 1600 MB? Is there a way to delete/kill all network links at once in the hope that this mysterious one goes along with it?

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