New and a Question! (or perhaps ?)

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by cappykelly, Jan 28, 2009.

  1. cappykelly

    cappykelly Private E-2

    Hello. I joined some time back and posted questions and a few suggestions were given. I tried many things and didn't much get anywhere with the sick computer so had to get it out of here (it was large and I was tripping on it, literally).

    My question is about Major Geeks. I had the feeling I was waiting for someone in "charge" to address my problems? Is that how it works?

    If so, how many months does that require?

    Or, do people kind of pass by and give their opinions and you just see if they work?

    I don't know why I couldn't get it to take any kind of IE... it kept looking for things it didn't find.

    And then it would start up looking for a program and I couldn't get rid of that (I did put the program in the trash but then it looked for something else equally annoying so I took it out). I'm sure the remaining parts of NAV screwed it up, and it wouldn't run the programs to get rid of the leftovers, alas. To say nothing of the fact it could have had a virus and would not shut down properly half the time.

    ccleaner was one of the few things that did run from CD ok, but it didn't cure much I guess.

    I finally gave up and kinda figured not many people interested in a Windows 98 computer...

  2. BILLMCC66

    BILLMCC66 Bionic Belgian

    Welcome back
    How it works is if you post in Malware only you and authorised Malware qualified personnel can post in your thread, it stops people guessing or giving bad advice.

    In all other forums (software/ lounge/hardware) anyone can answer and give help or suggestions relating to the subject,this does not mean that the information is inferior in any way it's just that in malware you will go 1 to 1 in most cases and it does take some time to answer when they have a heavy workload.
  3. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

  4. silas

    silas MajorGeek

    I am new and Ill tell you that you just kinda got to wait for someone to read and apply there personally knowledge. Sometime It can take a little time, its not like some people live on the site 24/7 and answer each second a person post. People post each day many times. Read the rules and no bump a thread. But if something goes untaken for long time then bump.
  5. Andy the geek

    Andy the geek Private E-2

    Do you have your original windows 98 CD?

    If so, you might want to try using the windows system file checker that looks for mising or corrupted system files and restores them from CD.

    Here's a link to instructions for using sfc in windows 98:

    let me know if this helps :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2009
  6. cappykelly

    cappykelly Private E-2


    Thanks for your suggestion but the problem was no Win 98 disks. I thought of putting on XP, but some folks had doubts about the wisdom of that. I actually have Me, could have done that (tho, realize, I've never put on an operating system!).

    I waited a month, and then, well, the computer is outta here. So that's about it. I was frustrated I could not do more for it.

    My problem was in software area of the forum.

    I don't get bump, if you're not supposed to but then be happy if you are bumped?

    I just waited, but guess you need to have something not in the way so you can wait and work on something indefinitely. Unfortunately, this was someone else's computer and didn't have that option.
  7. cappykelly

    cappykelly Private E-2


    I like your little .gif (or whatever).

    I think that was me banging my head on the desk in front of the computer...
  8. voodoo3rd

    voodoo3rd Corporal

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