New Here And Need Help With PC Repair Tutor

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by crankit98, Jul 8, 2006.

  1. crankit98

    crankit98 Private E-2

    Has anyone here used pc repair tutorials and
    have had hot links embedded in the tutorial?
    I've been brainstorming all the different elements
    of what I want to add to our pc repair with videos
    tutorials.Hot links sound like a great idea.

    I just updated our tutorials with the the most up to date
    computer devices.But here is my main question

    I've sold a lot of our PC Repair with video tutors
    and since they come on dvds and cdroms,I need to
    know if I can legally add hot links on the dvds and

    Since every home own a computer and want to know
    how they can repair them themselves,many of them
    have suggested I add this,I'm seeking anyone that
    have used tutorials and have seen hot links.

    I want to be certain I am legal.I wrote the tutorials,
    used a professional video camera to video the repair,
    and maintenance procedures.But it would be a shame
    to do all this and be illegal with hot links.

    Any help and ideas about how to legally add links
    would be greatly appriciated.
  2. Bladesofhalo

    Bladesofhalo MajorGeek

    Welcome to MajorGeeks!

    Someone with expertise in your question will come by shortly to help you out.

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