New Here And Need Help!

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by moounit, May 31, 2016.

  1. moounit

    moounit Private E-2

    hello everyone! I feel blessed that I found this website:) and I'm hoping I can find help hear about my computer I'm just confused as to how to search the forums and things like that. I really don't know how to use forums in general:D:( it's kind of funny but at the same time I guess you could say it's a little frustrating:) if anyone has any suggestions please let me know and I hope everyone is having an awesome day:)
  2. MaxTurner

    MaxTurner Banned

    Hi and welcome

    If you think the issue/problem with your computer is a software issue - eg the Operating System or any software program installed - then go down the index to the Software forum and post a new thread about it there.
    If you think it is a Hardware problem ie anything to do with the hard drive, and physical internals such as a graphics card or external drive or USB or printer etc, go to the Hardware support forum.
    Give as much detail as possible such as the BRAND name of the system and its exact model number, and say what the exact Operating system is, eg Windows XP, or Vista, or Windows 7, 8. 8.1 or 10.
    DavidGP, Eldon and moounit like this.
  3. moounit

    moounit Private E-2

    Thank you very much! I truly appreciate it :)
  4. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Hi and Welcome to MajorGeeks. :cool:

    Here's simple instructions to search for 'Windows 7 startup'.

    Attached Files:

  5. moounit

    moounit Private E-2

    Great! I'll be working on fixing my computer sometime today because I would like to avoid bringing it to someone in order to have them fix it. i don't know that i have the money to do that so it'd be really cool if i succeeded at fixing it myself :)
    Kestrel13! likes this.
  6. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hi and Welcome and do let us know if you need any help in fixing the PC as Max says just post in software or hardware forum area depending on the issue and give us as much info as possible.
  7. Anon-9aee479f8f

    Anon-9aee479f8f Anonymized

    Hi moonlit. You found the right place for help.
    Have to say I have never had to take a pc in to be repaired. I have found everything I have needed to know here on Major
    Geeks. Good luck.
    Tonyrush and DavidGP like this.

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