new kid here!

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by neighberaaron, Jul 27, 2006.

  1. hey! whats up everybody?!?!
    i joined this a while ago and want to get active here.
    i know alot about computers and i like helping people out!
    is this the place for me?
  2. ItsWendy

    ItsWendy MajorGeek

    Welcome to Major Geeks!

    Just remember to listen too. :D
  3. krit86lr

    krit86lr Corporal

    Hi Aaron, and welcome. Just be careful because this place is more strict than CCleaner. Double check advice before giving it (sometimes I PM people w/advice I want to give), and stay on topic.

    Have fun!
  4. star17

    star17 MajorGeek

    This place isn't strict, the mods here just don't tolerate childish BS, like if a banned member signs back up with another username. Proxies are not infallable, with the right tools. ;)
  5. krit86lr

    krit86lr Corporal

    It is strict compared to the forum that neighboraaron is used to. I didn't mean anything negative by the comment at all. But I know what he is used to, and MG's is way different. :) I love this forum, don't misunderstand what I mean. lol

    Aaron I'll just send you an IM. lol
  6. Yugku

    Yugku Private E-2

    Hey neighberaaron, i know you, LOL.

  7. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Would that approach not go against the ethos of a forum, in which ideas and information is shared openly ( within certain rules granted, depends on forum )?

    Welcome neighberaaron, to the forum :)
  8. krit86lr

    krit86lr Corporal

    No. Again I am not making myself clear somehow. Sometimes when I have advice to give, I PM someone more experienced than myself to make sure that I am on the right track. I don't always trust my own memory. ;)
  9. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    Not allowed. Purpose of the forum is 95% are lurkers looking for help. Please respond in the thread. This also allows others to offer additional advice. Thank you.
  10. krit86lr

    krit86lr Corporal

    What is not allowed? I always respond in the threads. What am I not making clear here? Do you think that I am saying to take issues off the board into PMs?

    Now this thread is getting completed messed up. Sorry for the confusion.

    Just to clarify...I believe that issues should be kept on the forum. I love forums, and believe many minds are better than one.

    Aaron you're a great kid, sorry for messing up your thread. :)
  11. really?
    please refresh my memory of who you are!
    ive been up for 30 hrs and i cant recall stuff that easily!
  12. krit86lr

    krit86lr Corporal

    It's CaPMan. ;)

    BUSTED! lmao
  13. hey! didnt recognize the name there!
    glad to see you on here!
  14. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    FYI, here is where we got the impression, from your own words. I also was unclear what "justbe careful because this place is more strict then CCleaner" meant. Basically, if you could word things a tad better so we understand you, this would not happen :) No problems here, hope all is the same with you, looks like a simple misunderstanding, not exactly rare in forums :)

  15. krit86lr

    krit86lr Corporal

    No worries Major Attitude. After re-reading I see how poorly I worded that statement. I am too tired to make sense today. At least I knew better than to offer any technical advice today. ;) LOL

    Good Times! Cheers! :)

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