New member (desktop detective 2000)

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by ddgeek, Aug 15, 2006.

  1. ddgeek

    ddgeek Private E-2

    I have downloaded desktop detective 2000 from this site,everything works fine for the stated 45 min trial which you can use as many times as you like.
    However I would like no time limits on this program and would like the deactivation key. Here lies the problem, I have not had a reply to the email I sent to the authors email address.(below)

    Dear sir,
    your website appears not to exist, I know about share-it but it raises a small worry.

    I.E.-ordering and paying for something that may no longer exist, can you please clarify

    the present position, and is there a UK telephone number to purchase the activation key

    Also how long does the key last and what happens when you re-instal your

    operating system having reformatted. Will the key work on a new download i.e.-no web

    site/support/recognition that the key has already been purchased

    Thank Paul

    Can anybody on the forum shed any light.

    thanks Paul
  2. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    If you get no response, I would not purchase the program. Their website has not been updated since MArch, let us know if you get a response.

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