New user, not quite sure where to post problem

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by gillobc, Dec 17, 2008.

  1. gillobc

    gillobc Private E-2

    I have heard alot of good things about this site. I hope you can help me or direct me. I also hope I don't make any mistakes in posting. Here is my issue.
    I have a 5 year VAIO desktop. The C drive is only 13G and the D drive is 130G

    Over the past several months I have noticed my C drive dwindling and have done the following: All new programs installed are going to the D drive if possible along with my Temp Internet Files, My Documents, My Pictures etc....
    I have Windows Live OneCare as my virus protection, CCCleaner which I use religiously, and acutally gave me back quite a few gigs the first time I used it. I use Spybot and Malwarebytes. I have used Kaspersky online scanner. Oh and Spyblaster.

    My C: drive was down to 859MB until I compressed the files and that brought it back up to 3.85, then 2 weeks later I am back down to 2.99. I use the Windows Defrag until it would only defrag 25% of my drive and then I installed Defraggler from piriform and it did a great job this afternoon-- didn't give me any disk space back, but defragged the whole drive.

    I also have treesize, and it's great to see what's there, but don't know what to do with it.

    My computer is starting to get horribly slow. Although there were a few trojans Kapersky and Malwarebytes found, I was able to get those cleaned off. I just don't know where my space is going to and why my computer is so slow now. If this is not the place to post or even the website for this type of advice I understand-- but please let me know if you have any suggestions.

  2. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    HI there and a warm welcome to the forums :wave

    Normally I would have directed you to post into the software forum but considering you mentioned malware and the fact that you ran MBAM and SAS I would suggest you complete the procedures here appropriate to your operating system and run the rest of the tools and attach the logs they generate including SAS and MBAM which you should update and re run if it's been a while since you last did.

    Then when you have been given the all clear in malware removal maybe then you could start to work on your other issues in the software forum.

    Again welcome to the forums
  3. gillobc

    gillobc Private E-2

    First of all thanks so much for helping me. I got all the way to Empty ALL Quarantine type folders for antivirus and antispyware applications. And then I got confused. Do you want me to delete the logs on all antispyware and antiviris or do you actually want me to delete the quartantined items? Doesn't this put them back into force? Kind of scared me. I don't think I have logs for WIndows Live OneCare as I did not check the logging - I know SAS has them but don't know where to find them. I just need a little more direction and assurance. Thanks
  4. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member


    Ideally you should ask all these questions in the thread you create in the malware removal section, then that way only the person who is helping you responds and nothing gets confusing. This being just the welcome center we don't go into too much detail here.

    logs? no.

    The R&R does indeed state to empty quarantined items yes.

    no. restoring them would. But you wont be restoring them, simply emptying quarantine.

    we dont require a log from WL OneCare so nothing to worry about there.

    The R&R explains how to locate the logs for SAS.

    I must emphasize again that whilst I have answered a couple of your questions here, it wil be best if you create a new thread in malware removal and ask whoever assists you with your issues.
  5. gillobc

    gillobc Private E-2

    So sorry. New to this--Trying to get used to the protocol. In your reply to my first post to follow the directions, run the tools and then attach the logs. Just to be clear, should I attach the logs when I'm finshed then to the Malware removal section under a seperate thread/post? Thanks for your patience.
  6. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    Yes you should. This is just the Welcome Forum.

    Welcome to MajorGeeks too! :)
  7. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..
  8. :wave a warm welcome to the Forums.....:)


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