newbie (not sure I posted correctly)

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by gjprice, Jan 16, 2009.

  1. gjprice

    gjprice Private E-2

    I might have posted twice resulting in a bump. I thought I was doing it correctly. I had more than three attachments when I posted on 1/14/09, so I posted again with my remaining logs. Sorry about that. How can I avoid doing this again if this is what actually happened?

    Really think the site is great.

  2. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..
    Your post in malware is fine:)
    It takes two posts to attach the required logs.

    Good luck with your problem, your in good hands.
  3. gjprice

    gjprice Private E-2

    Thanks, WildWolf.

  4. :):waveHi there you will get sorted in due time; Please be patient as there are few hands and lots of people needing help.......You will be in very capable hands.....:)

    A warm welcome to the forum........:wave​

  5. gjprice

    gjprice Private E-2

    Thanks, Maximus.


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