Norton Anti-Virus 2004 disabling

Discussion in 'Software' started by lantonel, Dec 2, 2004.

  1. lantonel

    lantonel Private E-2

    Hi, I have Windows XP and am using Norton Internet Security 2004. Every time I turn around for some reason Norton Anti-virus is being disabled. I don't know if there is any relationship, but I'm also using Microsoft Outlook and when my Norton Anti-Virus disables I can no longer send or receive mail.

    Has anyone had this problem and do you have a solution? From scanning around it appears that people don't think very highly of Norton, but since I own it is there any way I can fix this? I believe that I have Service Pac 2, but if anyone can tell me how to confirm that, I will.


  2. Kodo


  3. Strange1

    Strange1 Staff Sergeant

    I don't have to answer to your particular problem, but my Norton probs were solved by uninstalling NAV and using something else. I now use PC-cillin Security. Anti-Virus combined with Firewall. However, to anyone who wants to go the free route, I would suggest these..........AVG anti-virus (free), Kerio firewall(free), CCleaner crap cleaner(free) and Ad-aware adware remover (free). I belive this combination (and prob others) gives you about as a secure computer as you can get.

  4. lantonel

    lantonel Private E-2

    Thanks for the information, I will try your recommendations and see if that helps!

    It doesn't say I have SP2 when I follow those steps, but if I go into the add and remove programs it says it is there . Can I remove SP2? It says some of my programs may not run if I do. Any thoughts or experiences?


  5. AirBot

    AirBot Private E-2

    If I remember correctly (well, it was a long time ago), I had this same exact problem when I decided to try out the Norton firewall. The Norton AV Auto-Protect started disabling by itself, and I couldn't make it stay on.

    I never found a solution to this problem, and eventually just settled on removing the Norton firewall and switching to another [firewall].
  6. Farbib

    Farbib Corporal

    Don't uninstall SP2 just because Norton disables. Fix or substitute Norton. Leave SP2 because that's not a good tradeoff. If everything besides Norton on your computer works fine, there are two ways to deal with this problem. A million people have had this problem by the way. Some people, like AirBot, switch to other security apps, like AVG and Zone Alarm, and are as secure as with Norton. Others fix it (yes, it is fixable) and Kodo seems to have provided a thorough list for ya. Again, don't uninstall SP2 just for Norton.

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