Not sure where to ask for help.

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by triespice, Jul 14, 2006.

  1. triespice

    triespice Private E-2

    Two issues I have been 'dealing with' by ignoring for too long, now I am just annoyed.
    I apologize for NOT knowing where to ask for help in the first place.

    right clicking on a photo to save it, it wants to save as an untitled bmp. I have tried going to tools, options, clearing and cleaning this and that, it MIGHT work for a while, where I can right click a photo and the name followed with .jpg comes up, but it isnt long before it lapses again.
    Perhaps another lesson is in order please and TIA

    certain sites I have been visiting for a while, now all of a sudden I get there and the box pops up saying "cllick to run ActiveX control on this webpage"
    Well if I click it, i get the good old IW has envountered a problems, needs to close blah blah. Send a report or dont send
    BUT sometimes, and sometimes only, if i "X" it instead, the window goes away and I dont get the IE pop up and I can continue on the site.

    Okay so these are my two issues and I am tired of ignoring them and getting ticked instead. So

  2. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Welcome to MG's .....would post the question in the software section ....(possibly after running:panda online active scan
    just to rule out that issue ....:) :)
  3. triespice

    triespice Private E-2

    Thanks Tim, I am about to do that sacn now. I suspect all will be in order though.
    I will ask in the software section too.

    Thanks again

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