ok, clue me in

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by CatT, Jul 16, 2012.

  1. CatT

    CatT I can't follow the rules

    what am i doing wrong here? i am a long-standing user who politely asked about a hardware issue, only to get attacked by the head mod. then when i tried to clarify, i get a snide reply and the thread locked!

    am i being punk'd?

    anyway, thanks to the OTHERS who provided some help in the thread. the issue is still unclear, but i'll find somewhere else to ask about it.

  2. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    The OP's question was answered. It didn't need to be discussed any further.:major
  3. CatT

    CatT I can't follow the rules

    i am the OP, and no, it was not answered. or rather, the entire answer was "it should be fine", with some nonsequitur about airflow.

    puppywunder58 did later address the real issue -- stress/sheer on the mechanics -- so, yeah, thanks to him/her.

    FWIW, i asked on another board, and the first reply was from someone who killed his laptop doing exactly what i was proposing! so forgive me for being skeptical of "it should be fine" with no supporting details whatsoever.


    Last edited: Jul 16, 2012
  4. Puppywunder58

    Puppywunder58 Master Sergeant

    Hi CatT,

    Did you check to see if you could rotate your display by 90 degrees in the display properties of Control Panel?

    Running an HD in the vertical position may actually be better for it. Remember how people used to say that storing your CD's lying flat(horizontal)was bad over time for them because they could droop from the center outwards? So "they" started advising us to store our CD's in a vertical position.

    I'm sure someone could McGyverize a stand for you so that your LT doesn't go sliding off the piano while you're doing a crescendo to some piano work by Beethoven or Bach.:-D
  5. CatT

    CatT I can't follow the rules

    true that. and in fact my old desktop had vertical floppies.

    then again, if they've redesigned things specifically to be horizontal now, who knows.

    all i know is that i've never seen a laptop set up on edge in a store, on someone's desk, even among college students screwing around in a coffee shop. if it were SO obvious that it's safe to do so, you'd think you'd see somebody doing it at least every couple of days.

    BTW, thanks again for taking the Q seriously. i dunno WHAT i did to tick off the big cheese!

  6. CatT

    CatT I can't follow the rules

    ok, y'all have fully convinced me on the HDD. thanks all.

    now what about LID SHEER? seems to me that sitting the weight of the lid on its edge could put an unexpected strain on the HINGES. any chance the wires/ribbon cables which pass thru them them could sever?

    i must admit, this is more my worry than the HDD. i have seen realworld hinges buckle from kids hanging off open doors.
  7. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Head Mod kinda not...... more the owner of the site and the person and pays $$$ and many of them to keep a loss leader in a forum going, Also someone who does actually know computing very well.

    I'd have said you are fine with standing a laptop sideways as I do this personally all the time and advise others to also as if you get the direction right the CPU vents facing upwards then the laptop is cooled fine.

    Lid sheer is in the mind as the bulk of the weight is carried by the carcass as they thickest and strongest part the lid/screen is just like a prop.

    You'd need to be leaning on it as per laptop... are you??

    PC and Laptop cases are fairly strong and stronger then we give them credit for, they will take a fair bit of punishment before they "buckle"
  8. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Replying to me is never a good thing as MA is the big cheese, numero uno, god, CEO, he who must be obayed... so pointless as I 99.9% of the time agree with him as we are on the same wave-lenght
    Otherwise you are gone from the site, as we do not need to cater for the crazy! ;)

    Unless its constructive.
  9. CatT

    CatT I can't follow the rules

    not quite hanging off it, but i figure that if i push hard on the upper right corner in normal (sitting on desk) use, that can't be good for anything. but ok, it seems to be unanimous; i'll rotate away!

    and "head mod" wasn't meant as a diss. i'm never sure whether to use "mod", "admin", or in this case "owner". monsieur attitude has helped me much in the past -- i have no complaints except the baffling treatment on this one particular thread.

    good nick, tho! :-D

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