Ola! Greetings! Salutions! <insert other form of greeting>

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Xenith, Mar 20, 2012.

  1. Xenith

    Xenith Private E-2

    Hi guys,

    Name's Tim. I been playing/tinkering/destroying PC's since I was a wee lad. I am 23 years old. I am 6'3, 185lbs, blonde hair, blue eyed and I enjoy long walks on the beach. ;) I also like posting on forums that seem credible and full of competent people. :p

    Seriously though, I have messed with many forms of Windows as far back as 95 and 98SE. Sometimes I have to scratch my head and go through google for that accurate information or instructions, but generally I have an idea on what would be a solution for most software or hardware problems minus the more technical ones. (I can even grasp those too if I were to spend the time looking up and understanding the issue/cause)

    I have dabbled in many programming languages including: C#, C++, lua, JS, PHP and HTML5. I think np++ is awesome.

    Umm... I live in Oklahoma, but I grew up in Saudi Arabia. I was born in Germany, and yes; I speak German.

    I can't really think of much else to add. So I'll ask my first and most important question.

    Are rules for this forum; Forum based or sub-forum based? ie: I am sure the Lounge are more lenient verses something like say, Hardware.

    PS: I think my search button is broken. ;)
  2. lbmest

    lbmest MajorGeek

    Back atcha Xenith and welcome to MGs.

    There's just one set of rules and you are correct that the Lounge is less tightly moderated than the tech forums. The admin team expects the tech side to be just that - technical help. (Although, a thread can get a little off topic every once in a while.;))
    Mainly, the one rule in the tech forums is "There are no stupid questions." Everyone has to start somewhere in their learning and no one is a geek in all phases of the IT world.
    So, kick back, help out where you can on the tech side and jump in the Lounge with both feet. (It's fairly safe in there.:-D)
  3. Xenith

    Xenith Private E-2

    I love the way the emails come in on time! It gives me a chance to respond in some sort of orderly fashion! (Means this in 100% seriousness)

    Also, I am going to pay the Lounge a visit in the next 30 minutes or so. I'm in the middle of unpacking my new 60in TV!

    PS: I didn't add this before but I'll do so now, I do mod's for X-Box's and X-Box 360's... so if anyone has any issues with these let me know and I'll tell you everything you need to know.

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