
Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by jhthomas69, Sep 2, 2006.

  1. jhthomas69

    jhthomas69 Private E-2

    Long story short, my C drive crashed on my HP 340n and was not able to boot. I had a backup of files to an external drive. After installing a new C drive and reinstalling all software, when I went to copy all of the owner files from the backup drive, Omnipass would not allow me access.

    Obviously, I do not have a clue to what this ID, Domain, and/or Password is to decript these files.

    Does anyone have the answer on how to acess these files and/or bypass the Omnipass security.


    Jim Thomas
  2. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    Welcome to MGs, jhthomas :)

    Try posting your problem in the Hardware forum - you will likely get more replies :)

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