on the trail of bloodhound

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by sherry51, Jan 8, 2009.

  1. sherry51

    sherry51 Private E-2

    Hi. I've been working all day to try and remove bloodhound.pdf.3 from my computer. I'm following an extensive chain of actions posted on majorgeeks in which I've installed and run Ccleaner, superantispyware, spybotsd, and malewarebyte's anti-malware. The next step is to run combofix, but the instructions said I needed to be told to run the program by a "helper" and I need to create a log and post it so my helper can see it. That's what I'm attempting to do now, but I don't have much time because I have a meeting to attend in 20 minutes. Should I wait until later to do this? The other programs took hours and hours.

  2. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    Hi there and welcome :wave

    It's essential that all the programs outlined in the procedures are run. This is the only way we can take a "look" inside your machine and see what is going on. So attend your meeting and just run the remainder of what needs to be done when you return and then be sure to create a new thread in the malware removal forum and attach the 4 requested logs which you will have to complete in 2 posts due to the maximum of 3 attachments per post limitation. Then from that point on you must direct all your questions to whoever takes your thread on and not ask here, as this is not discussion appropriate to the welcome centre.

    By the way the programs you are yet to run will take alot less time than the previous ones have.

    Best of luck
  3. :wave:waveA very warm welcome to the Forum ;:):coolHope you sort the damn Bloodhound out!!!:)

  4. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..
  5. sherry51

    sherry51 Private E-2

    Thank you all for responding to my cry for help. Unfortunately, I had to leave before I could get any of your replies, and I haven't been back to work yet, so I haven't been able to try any suggestions. Sick today; at work (hopefully) tomorrow. Thanks again.

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