Online TrID file identifier

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Mark0, Apr 24, 2005.

  1. Mark0

    Mark0 Private E-2

    This can be of some help whenever you have to deal with a file without extensions, or an unknown one. Simply choose the file to analyze, upload it and TrID will try to guess the correct file type.
    Here's an example for a SXW Open Office document:


    There's also a free standalone / EXE version:

    Hope this can be useful to someone,
  2. solaris89

    solaris89 First Sergeant

    The polite thing to do would have been to submit your program to the owners of this site, not spam the forum.

    So, here's my counter ;)
  3. Mark0

    Mark0 Private E-2

    Sorry, spamming wasn't my intention.
    I saw the the description of the "Interesting Website Links" forum, and tought that it could be the right place to post about it.

    I obviously appreciate your link, too; if you look at the FILExt site, you'll se the TrID's icon in quite a bit of extensions! ;)
    I am also a frequent poster on that forum, and had collaborated with it.

    My apologies if my post in this section wasn't appropriate.

  4. goldfish

    goldfish Lt. Sushi.DC

    I'd say it was an interesting link, which is fair enough. If you were asking to get your program added to the MG main site that would be another matter entirly.

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