
Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by candive, Nov 29, 2006.

  1. candive

    candive Corporal

    I am sorry anyone mistook my answer as a question, I was trying not to step on anyones toes.
  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    Dont think you had stepped on anyones toes as far as I know, wild guess time you were in the shoutbox at the time possibly? If so thats more a relaxing chatty area, over using it to ask questions or answer them as the information posted in that is lost, whereas in a thread its saved for later reference.

    BUT no harm no foul :)
  3. candive

    candive Corporal


    I made a mistake in Malware, I suggested someone should look in task manager for "Explorer.exe" running the CPU full speed.
    Causing dial up speeds to drop, but I worded it like a question, in an attempt to bow to the more Informed.

    Now I am having problems posting an answer.

    Since Im on the subject have you heard of this denial of service trojan?
    I had it on my PC, but I was able to remove it.


  4. matt.chugg

    matt.chugg MajorGeek

    Ahh don't worry, I suspect you havn't answered anything, only a few approved members can post in the malware section. This makes sure the poster get only the best advice from people who know what they are doing.

    Which particular DoS trojan are you refering to? there are several different types and literally hundreds of different variations. Or were you just looking for general information on DoS threats?
  5. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Ah gotcha.... what may have happened is that the original thread was in the general forums, when you posted and if it was moved to the malware forum, that part of the forum is different in that only the original poster of a thread can reply to their own thread and not anyone elses, plus only certain members can post in any thread with info.

    Which thread is it as I can only see one you posted in with similar text to explorer having an effect of 100% CPU time and thats in Hardware.

    dunno on DNS trojan, many can mess up your internet connection, but I'd need the name of it to read up about it and know what it exactly does, when it infects.
  6. candive

    candive Corporal

    I'm not sure, all I do know is it runs Explorer.exe & svchost.exe Full out alternating between the two using 100% CPU listed in task manager.
    I have removed it from my PC.
    But I was wondering if this was a new one.
  7. candive

    candive Corporal

    Thats why I was told not to HiJack the thread !!!
    I was not aware I could not answer the thread.
    I do not know how that happened, I do not as yet have the knowlege to break into anything, and if I did know how I would not do it without written permission.
  8. candive

    candive Corporal

    Originally I was able to post, I think that priveledge has been revoked.
  9. candive

    candive Corporal

    It was in "Networking" 7.2
  10. candive

    candive Corporal

    hewydewy Hi,

    That makes two of us !! :confused: :confused:

    I was refering to my post in Malware, apparently I'm not supposed to have clearance to post anywhere. :mad:
    But I did.:eek:

    I was told not to hijack the thread, apparently I did something wrong?

    "Unintentionally" :) :)

    That's ok I'm Canadian, and as we know Canadians are so XXXXXXX polite we XXXXX everyone off. :mad:

    I like to find the humour (Humor) in everything. hey wheres the laughing icon??
    So tell me do you all (YAALLL) do what we commercial divers call "XXXXXXX"??
    Or is it all Serious.
    I bet I get into trouble again. :eek:

    A little advice to everyone, "PLEASE do not take me seriously if I XXX you off" its not intentional,... it's just... that ...well ... "I AM CANADIAN" :)
    Cheers !!

    p.s. Tim we need a Humour (Humor) section, Please. :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2006
  11. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    I have told you in a PM and above that their is no issue here..... but to reiterate.

    1. You can post in malware so long as its a thread you start, you just cannot answer anyone elses, this is by design and everyone else on the forum apart from a few slected members are affected, so your not unique or singled out.

    2. You have no restrictions on posting anywhere else in the forum, but continue with language like the above and you will!

    3. You did nothing wrong, just a misunderstanding as far as I can read into it, it happens sometimes, your reply was taken as a question, which its just a statment of a possible cause to the original posters question/issue, but it was in a thread in Networking and not Malware, only thread in Malware you have answered is one you started.

    and which Tim are you aiming that question at?
  12. candive

    candive Corporal


    Sorry I was misunderstood.

    I will leave the mock swearing and dry humor off the site.

    I should probably explain, the other site I am a member of is longstreath.com
    my handle is alphadive.

    The afore mentioned behavior is considered normal, humorous & accepted for a commercial diver.

    I am Not upset or angry. :cool:

    again, I will leave the mock swearing and dry humor off the site.

    I should have realized this site probably has young persons as well as older persons on it.

    Chris. :)
  13. candive

    candive Corporal

    I believe it is Tim Tibbets I am refering to.
    But it's been a while.

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