Open .art Files

Discussion in 'Software' started by Larry47, May 16, 2020.

  1. Larry47

    Larry47 Private E-2

    I have .art files that I want to view. Any suggestions about a program to open then convert the files to JPG?
  2. evilfantasy

    evilfantasy Malware Fighter

  3. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

  4. evilfantasy

    evilfantasy Malware Fighter

    I'm bored and did a little digging. XnView does list .art files but I'm not sure it is the same file format. OP may be wanting to open an AOL file that is like a gif and then the only software I found that will open it are professional versions but you can use a free trial. ACDSee Photo Studio and I think Adobe Photoshop for example.

    If it is a single file it might be easier to try and convert it online and then use XnView/IrfanView or to edit it. That is unless it is like a gif then it is either back to the paid software or maybe try AOL Shield Pro browser and see if it can be opened with that. I kind of doubt it though because I think it is built on Chromium but maybe they added some legacy features to it.
  5. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    What happened to the other .art-related thread?
  6. evilfantasy

    evilfantasy Malware Fighter

    I must have missed that one. Don't remember it.
  7. Larry47

    Larry47 Private E-2

    I think I accidentally deleted it. I can't find it either lol.
  8. Larry47

    Larry47 Private E-2

    I tried some programs suggested and didn't find one that worked so I signed up for a paid AOL account so I could see them. There didn't seem to be a way to open them in AOL so I called the help line and they said they never heard of .ART files and couldn't help me! I asked to speak to a supervisor and was told he was busy and would call me back within 24 hours, and that was three days ago. HOWEVER, they will help me IF I purchase a paid support convenient, pay and we will help you.
  9. evilfantasy

    evilfantasy Malware Fighter

    How old are these images? If they were created by software or some type of programming that no longer exists or is no longer used then you might just be out of luck. (I'm not sure I worded that right but I'm sure I got the point across :confused:)

    Edit: Would AOL messenger open/view/insert them? Could be old messenger images.
  10. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    For the Windows 2000 platform, Microsoft released the AOL Image Support Update which added support for ART images. As of June 2006 the Internet Explorer browser no longer supported ART files when Microsoft released a security update.

    I also saw you need the correct version of a program to open an art file. These were mentioned:
    Adobe Illustrator CS5
    CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5
    Canon Crayola
    ACDSee 15
    and it being a Bernini embroidery file was also mentioned.
  11. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

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