Outlook Express

Discussion in 'Software' started by AGreatCook, May 3, 2010.

  1. AGreatCook

    AGreatCook Private E-2

    Is it possible to run IE 7 and IE 8 on the same computer (XP SP2 or 3, can't remember which)? Will I need to create a partition to do this? I ask because my mother's Outlook Express that was in IE7 crashed awhile back. A friend who works in IT copied most of her folders and messages to a desktop folder and later had to dump Express in favor of Outlook to avoid having to as he put it "rebuild" the whole system. He also upgraded the PC to IE8 while he had the computer. Everything he saved is in DBX files and I can't open them. Was wondering if I downloaded IE7 if I could then open them with Express in the IE bundle. Thanks for any help that can be provided.
  2. usafveteran

    usafveteran MajorGeek

    Ha, your IT friend did not need to "dump" OE. In fact, I don't know how you would dump it since it's on all Windows systems up to Win XP, just like IE.

    As stated above, OE was not bundled with IE after version 6. But, OE should still be on the system.

    Up through version 6 of IE, OE was bundled with IE and all Windows computers would normally have the same version of IE and OE. When IE 7 was released, Microsoft stopped bundling OE with IE but OE 6 remained in Windows. So, try this. Go to Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs, and click the button on the left side of the panel, the one labeled Add/Remove Windows Components. OE should be there; I'm not looking at Win XP now so I don't recall exactly what category of those components OE is in. When you find it, select it to be installed.

    If this does not work for you for some reason, I believe another option to download and install Windows Live Mail (WLM). WLM can import messages from .dbx files. Reference: http://www.pcdon.com/080113OutlookExpress-WindowsLiveMail.html

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