Overclocking NVIDIA GeForce FX 5500 (256 MB)

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by 2bfree, Jun 27, 2005.

  1. 2bfree

    2bfree Private E-2

    Hi, would like to try overclocking my graphics card. Total newb really like some help. Reason I’m doing this is to see if I can improve quality off Battle Field 2. Can’t afford to upgrade Graphics card or memory.

    Operating System Microsoft Windows XP Professional
    OS Service Pack Service Pack 2
    CPU Type Intel Pentium 4E, 3000 MHz
    Motherboard Chipset Intel Springdale i865PE
    System Memory 512 MB (PC3200 DDR SDRAM)

    Have done a search but dont seem to be able to find anything to help.
  2. Olley

    Olley Sergeant

    to overclock a Nvidia card u need something like Riva Tuner or Coolbits2. they both allow u to increase the core clock speed and memory speed. however only increase them by a small amount each (10mhz) and watch out for rising temps. always thoroughly test ur new configuration before u increase the speed again. just in case u dont know this, u can destroy ur card and it will void ur warranty.
    and by the way. there is an overclocking section in this forum. thats where this Thread belongs and u should read the guide there...
  3. suesman

    suesman First Sergeant

    Couldn'ta said it better. ;)
  4. 2bfree

    2bfree Private E-2

    Well shit forgive me for being a newb, thought I said I was a newb. Did a search as was suggested, still can’t find the section for overclocking graphics cards. Heaps on overclocking processor. I read it all and still don’t understand. That’s why I was asking for help. Thanks for the help Suesman; I was always taught that no question was stupid. The only thing you should be scared of is asking. Seems this forum is ready to shoot you down for ignorance. Is there no one that can help me?

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