Overwhelmed! - Generic Startpage Trojan

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Tef, Feb 22, 2009.

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  1. Tef

    Tef Private E-2

    Greetings all,

    I've been researching tons of info about Trojan removal to the point of brain freeze! There are so many tools available from websites, I’m in total confusion. I found this site and I decided here is where I’ll start because you have provided some great information. Now, I’m clueless when comes to the inner workings of this PC of mine so bear with me please. Someone used Windows Messenger and I think that’s how I may have picked it up.

    This all took place during the last week of January 09’ till now. Here's the skimmy:
    • McAfee found Generic Startpage Trojan and quarantined them. Once I discovered them I was able to delete. Then it found the same again, also quarantining them, which I can’t seem to find a way to delete this time around. Contacted McAfee! [huh, don’t ask! I’ll be switching soon.]
    • SSMMgr.exe Program Not Responding. I keep getting an error message when I log off.
    • Device Manager is empty. I can’t view anything.
    • When I go to My Computer, it takes approx 30 sec before it appears.
    • Start Page Changes on it’s own. Settings disappear.
    • Tower is constantly active and as of lately, emits a high pitch noise and the mouse lights up on it’s own as if I’m using it when I’m not.
    • When surfing web pages, links with double lines appear out of somewhere, which produces popup ads if the mouse happen to pass over them.

    What I have done thus far as of 2/15/09:
    • Tried to retrieve Device Manager help from Microsoft Help & Support. Start – Run – Service.msc – ok – Double click Plug & Play. No plug & play is shown ??
    • Decided to do the “Read and Run Me First” steps. Uninstalled, updated & downloaded requirements.
    • Performed the CCleaner run. It list a log of files to delete, which it has not yet.

    Question: I don’t see a way to prompt the deletion of CCleaner files or I’m I missing something. What’s next??? – Stuck!

    Oh, as of 2/22/09:
    • Can’t access McAfee’s Security Center to check for anything pertaining to security issues. It’s listed on my start menu but it’s not functioning.

    Any help would be deeply appreciated.
  2. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Welcome to MG's....:)

    Please go to the Malware forum and follow the instructions here:
    READ & RUN ME FIRST. Malware Removal Guide
    and then start a thread in that forum with the logs from running the instructions.
  3. Tef

    Tef Private E-2

    Still confused about CCleaner deletion however. Guess I'll close it and move on to next step and post in forum as requested. Thanks

    quote from last post below.
    Performed the CCleaner run. It list a log of files to delete, which it has not yet.

    Question: I don’t see a way to prompt the deletion of CCleaner files or I’m I missing something. What’s next??? – Stuck!
  4. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    CCleaner is just that....cleaning mostly temp files and other "crap" ...you can allow it to remove those. But do go on with the procedures and post in the malware forum for further assistance.
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