Paintshop Pro 2023 Not Loading Raw Files

Discussion in 'Software' started by keithj057, May 15, 2024.

  1. keithj057

    keithj057 Private E-2

    Hi All.
    Having a problem with Corel Paintshop pro 2023 in that it will not load Nikon Raw files, (Jpegs are not a problem )
    Every time l try to open a Nikon raw file it comes up with "unable to open the file, please make sure this file is valid".
    l've completly uninstalled the program and removed any residue files and re-installed the program and still no luck. also done a one to one with Corel technical support and they cant find the problem, so i'm hoping you guys on here can solve it.
    Can open Raw files in Corel Aftershot with no problems.
    Many Thanks
  2. cabbiinc

    cabbiinc Staff Sergeant

    If you have not found them yet many of the old Corel forum members have created a new forum when Alludo bought out Corel and closed the forums. They even tried to archive many of the old forums discussions.
  3. cabbiinc

    cabbiinc Staff Sergeant

    Whether or not any program can read your raw files depends on the files themselves, or rather which camera produced them and with what formats it saved as. Newer cameras typically have less support since there hasn't been enough time to reverse engineer the file types yet to properly decode them. For example, the first Canon cameras that could save a Medium sized raw file in the camera had users finding that the medium file size didn't play well with third party raw file editors, but the full sized raw files were just fine. Eventually third party software caught up but it was a waiting game to see who could do it and who couldn't.
  4. keithj057

    keithj057 Private E-2

    Thanks cabbiinc for your replies,
    l have looked on Alludo albeit not recently for the solution but nothing on there related to my problem, but it could be worth another look.
    With regards to your second reply perhaps l should have gone a bit more in depth but l did'nt want to make it to long winded, so here's a bit more info.
    Camera is a Nikon D7200 manufactered 2015, l have installed paintshop pro versions 2019 - 2023 and it's only the 2023 version i'm having problems with, all other editing software is fine and will open Nikon raw files with no problems but not paintshop pro 2023, so it's looking like my only option is to come away from Corel unless someone has a solution, as even Corel technical support can't solve it.
  5. LJR

    LJR Private First Class

    It might seem trite, but does the 2023 version provide "features" you need? (Or even want?) If not, it might be feasible to use one of your previous versions; like said, it may take Corel a while to make PSP 2023 able to read the RAW files you have. (BTW, I still use PSP 5.01, when it was sold by JASC; long before Corel bought the program, even though I own several newer versions. It STILL works with Win 10, even though it was originally released for Win 95! Whether it will still work with Win 11 remains to be seen.)
  6. keithj057

    keithj057 Private E-2

    Thanks for your reply LJR, can understand where you're coming from, might have to try the older version just out of curiosity, but it's annoying that having paid for the 2023 version it don't do what l want.
  7. cabbiinc

    cabbiinc Staff Sergeant

    It's no longer Corel. it's Alludo. As far as I know all Corel staff is gone, as is the old JASC staff before Corel bought it. The forum I've linked to is user to user just like here. They're just more hyperfocused on PSP but alas even so it's only a fraction of users the old Corel forums used to have. At least with the new forum it's independent of any ownership of the company that owns PSP or any of the other software that was part of that package.

    I used to buy every new version, but stopped at 2019. Every "update" had very minor improvements for what I do and would sometimes just break things I did use all together. I got tired of not knowing if I could produce what I needed to on the timeframe I was used to so just stuck with 2019. I could probably still go back a few versions as even with 2019 I have to reload the Workspace manually every time I start the program to get things the way I want it laid out.
  8. cabbiinc

    cabbiinc Staff Sergeant

    I also seem to recall that one version of something removed a feature that many were upset about. There was a lot of talk about it on the Corel forums and eventually staff told someone that Corel didn't have the license for it any longer so could no longer offer it. If you used the older version of the program it was still there baked in but going forward would no longer be an option. I don't remember if it was PSP or VideoStudio.
  9. LJR

    LJR Private First Class

    I gave up on upgrading PSP. Although I have versions through PSP X4 (Ultimate) there were features I didn't need (or even want) so while I stopped by 2011, I STILL find PSP 5.01 does everything I need it to do, even if it WAS originally for Win 95.(I believe PSP 5 .x was the first Windows version, and before that, in DOS/Win 3.1, was a free program.)

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