PC keeps asking for drivers for the new monitor

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by mike2op, Jan 13, 2006.

  1. mike2op

    mike2op Private First Class

    I just got a new 21 inch monitor and although it says plug & play, the system still keeps giving me a dialog box everytime I start the PC, saying found new hardware monitor & if I would like to install the drivers either by going on line or thru a CD.

    I got the CD with the monitor but it is a 19 inch monitor CD & isn't doing anything if I put it in.

    After using the New 21 inch monitor for 3 days I lost the brightness completely. It is not totally black but If I turn off all the light in the room, I can barely see the things on the screen like you see a Ghost in dark.

    (1) Is this problem caused by lack of drivers ?

    (2) If not what else can be wrong & how do I solve it ?

    (3) Do I really need drivers for either monitor ?

    (4) If not why am I still getting the dialog box for every monitor ?

    (5) How do I get rid of that dialog box ?

    Thank You
  2. prometheos

    prometheos Staff Sergeant

    Hi mike2op
    For ordinary desktop computing, the standard Windows Plug'n'play monitor driver will do. However, if you install the correct driver then programs that manipulate the video settings, ( games, CAD programs )will be aware of the monitor's capabilities. In other words, the correct monitor driver will be able to protect the monitor as well as provide a list of capabilities to the client program. When responding to the Window's "new hardware" wizard, it sometimes helps if you know what it's looking for. Most modern monitors have a couple of their connector pins for communcating with the operating system. Windows queries the monitor via the video card and the monitor returns a Name "string". Windows saves this "string" and then the wizard prompts you for a location of the driver. If you provide "CD" as the answer then the wizard will search the CD for *.inf files. It scans them all and tries to match the Name "srring" to any entries in the *.inf files. If there's a match, you'll get a dialog box that let's you confirm the selection. If you open the inf file with "notepad.exe" you'll be able to find the name of your monitor, just like the wizard did. You may also notice, that the driver is embedded in a *.icm file, although the actual filename may be anything as long as it's predefined in the "copyfiles" section. So, if the Windows wizard found the correct inf file, then you'll likely not get any more new detections. However, for this to be true, you'll need to have one "normal" restart, to seal it. If Windows locks up and can't complete a restart then you need to do it over again. BTW, what's the make and model of your 21" monitor. Maybe we can help with that dark ghost. :)
  3. neilshep

    neilshep Private E-2

    I presume that you got a new TFT monitor, and that any manual brightness control is turned up. Drivers will have no influence on the BIOS boot up screen, so if you can'tsee that then you have a dead monitor.

    What it soundslike is the inverter for the screen backlight has died. Send it back to your supplier!!! BTW, I have seen the dark screen problem on an HP laptop.
  4. mike2op

    mike2op Private First Class

    Hi prometheos & neilshep.

    That was very helpful explanation.

    The make & model of the monitor is :

    Philips - 21 inch - CRT Monitor

    Model NO : 201B40

    It does not have brightness control on it.

    Were do I go from here ?

  5. Insomniac

    Insomniac Billy Ray Cyrus #1 Fan

    What is listed in Device Manager?

    Does the monitor work OK in Safe Mode?

    You can get some drivers HERE. (I don't know what operating system you have)

    You shouldn't really need a driver as it's Plug 'n Pray. The CD you get with monitors, which is rare, is generally for colour profiles, and not drivers. (you only need colour profiles for certain limited applications)

    I would also check that you are using the latest driver for your video card.
  6. neilshep

    neilshep Private E-2

    Yes it does have brightness. You press the OK button to get the OSD for size, position etc., but if you just press RIGHT button ( not OK first ) you get the brightness control. UP gives you the contrast control.

    If you don't have your manual, a link to a pdf is here: http://www.p4c.philips.com/files/2/201b40/201b40_dfu_eng.pdf

    BTW, do you have your oldmonitor you can try, or borrow one? That would narrow it down to a graphics card or monitor fault.
  7. mike2op

    mike2op Private First Class

    Hi neilshep,

    I have two other 17 inch CRT monitors & they work just fine.

    But in one of those two monitors ( Compaq Monitor ), I do get the dialog box for software or drivers.

    The Philips monitor is in shop right now & even their engineer hasn't been able to find the problem so I am now insisting that they give me the replacement but they still want to repair it & give it back to me by tomorrow.

    What do you think ?
  8. neilshep

    neilshep Private E-2

    If you are in the UK then it would appear the monitor was faulty when delivered to you ( DOA ) just because of the driver problem, and if it is only a few days old, you have a legal right to a refund or a brand new replacement. I dont know what your legal rights are elsewhere. Good luck
  9. mike2op

    mike2op Private First Class

    Hi neilshep,

    I am going to demand a replacement or refund.

    Thank you for the tip.


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