PCI Device found on startup...

Discussion in 'Software' started by theMUHMEshow, Nov 14, 2007.

  1. theMUHMEshow

    theMUHMEshow Private E-2

    Rolling with a Dell Inspiron E1505 - XP

    Everytime I start my computer (from a dead start, not off standby) it says "PCI device found" I am not to sure what the PCI device is...but I tried to go to the dell support page to find something with "PCI" in it to download maybe to fix it and didnt come up with anything...

    ...any thoughts?
  2. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    Go into the Device manager (right click my computer, select properties, then hardware tab)
    See if anything in there has a yellow ! or a red x.
    If so, report what it says (even if it says unknown device).
  3. theMUHMEshow

    theMUHMEshow Private E-2

  4. theMUHMEshow

    theMUHMEshow Private E-2

    I have NO CLUE what any of that means :D
  5. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    Good picture. From the screenshot, the PCI device might be the modem attached to a PCI sound card.

    Easy fix if everything is working properly
    right click each of the things listed under other devices and select "disable". Now when you boot up, you should no longer see the found new PCI device nag.

    If things aren't working properly or ,like me, you just want to know what those "other devices" are, you can go here
    and download unknown device identifier.
    I've used this version and it did successfully identify something in one of my computers.
  6. theMUHMEshow

    theMUHMEshow Private E-2


    I am assuming that these arent that important? I think I have memory issues, but that is another ball of wax I am trying to figure out...
  7. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    Gammagraphx has something to do with digital printing
    and Ricoh makes printer/copiers/multifunction machines
    so unless you are using a Ricoh something, I don't think it needs to be enabled for you.

    If you find it does, go back into device manager, right-click each item and enable it.

    oops, I just had another look at your screenshot and noticed that up further in device manager, you have a Ricoh Memory stick host controller.
    Let me do a search to see what I can find about that.

    I wasn't offered model 1505 on Dell's site so I selected 1501.
    under chipset there is a Ricoh driver. I'm not convinced that this applies to your notebook.

    You may be able to get to the proper section by putting in your service tag here
    and see if they have anything relating to Ricoh memory stick controller.

    I think I found the proper driver
    I searched for Ricoh memory stick host controller and found a thread relating to Inspiron 1505 which pointed to this download.
    Before you install it, right click Ricoh memory stick host controller, select properties and look to see what driver is currently installed for this.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2007
  8. theMUHMEshow

    theMUHMEshow Private E-2

    THANK YOU SIR! I appreciate the help and after DL'ing that last driver (which, I couldnt find on my own) everything seems to be golden! :D
  9. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    Glad it worked. :clap By the way, I'm a gal - I know, hard to tell by my nym. I use that because I'm a plodder. I usually keep at a problem until it's solved. LOL

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