PDF to WordPerfect

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by sevenko696, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. sevenko696

    sevenko696 Private E-2

    Hi Everybody,

    I am Charlie and a Geek Want-A-Bee.

    I am trying to find a program that will convert a PDF document to a wordperfect document and run on a PC running Windows 98SE. Can anyone tell me if there is such a critter?

    Thanks buches & gobbs

    Charlie (Geek Want-A-Bee)
  2. studiot

    studiot MajorGeek

    Hello Charlie, welcome to Major Geeks.

    What you are asking is impossible.

    The PDF format was developed to allow all sorts of formatting and presentations that have never been available in any word processor. Thus even a simple PDF may contain elements you can't transfer to Wordperfect.

    Depending on the PDF document you may be able to copy and paste the text to WP.
    There are some picture extracting programs available that render the graphics to bitmap or jpeg.

    However you can only extract things if the originator allows this and has not locked the PDF.

    Try hovering the hand cursor over the text and right clicking. You may be offered a choice of 'allowing select text'
  3. sevenko696

    sevenko696 Private E-2

    WordPefect X3 claims it will convert PDFs to WP, but it will not run on 98SE. Are you saying it will not convert from PDF to WP even if I was to build an XP or Vista machine and install X3 on it, it would still not convert PDFs to WP?:confused
  4. studiot

    studiot MajorGeek

    To rephrase what I said

    It depends on the content of the PDF file and the options set by the peson who originally wrote it.

    Many programs will open or import some pdf files, but they will not always look the same and some parts may be missing.

    I remember the Wordperfect 'trellix' add on which does a much better job of converting wordprocessor multipage documents to linked multi web page web documents than Microsoft Word or Publisher ever managerd. But it wasn't perfect (haha) and missed some things.
  5. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..
  6. sevenko696

    sevenko696 Private E-2

    Thanks. How about Softscan PDF 3 Converter or Softscan PDF 4 Converter?

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