
Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by peteplum, May 23, 2006.

  1. peteplum

    peteplum Private E-2

    hi everybody!! i would like to hear from anyone who has had this experience! about 4 weeks ago i reinstalled my oem version of windows XP which i purchased together with all the parts about three years ago. over a period of time i upgraded mycpu,motherboard and hard drive. i validated my xp after reinstall and everything was fine. then i went to update my system on windows update, which promptly froze my machine! i went through this procedure several times until i finally contacted microsoft by phone for help. they informed me that because i had changed my motherboard my licence had as the man from microsoft put it had expired!! and that i would have to buy another copy!! I feel cheated by this, so any help would be nice! i was quoted a price of £61. by microsoft if i purchased online.which is a lot of money to me being a pensioner!! cheers. Peteplum.
  2. BCGray

    BCGray Guest

    Sorry to say MS's policy is one machine per purchase License, and in effect you now have another machine hence the request to purchase another License. That said you can try E-mailing MS Customer service, and explain your situation, they may relent, but do not count on it, as MS has figured that they have lost millions on people that buy one program and install it on numerous machines.
    Cheers from the colonies/Canada and welcome to MG
  3. Insomniac

    Insomniac Billy Ray Cyrus #1 Fan

    Howdy Peteplum and welcome to MajorGeeks. :)

    Unfortunately, you will need another licence as the OEM version was tied to the original configuration (OEM has tighter restrictions than a retail copy).

    Micro$$oft Changes OEM Licence restrictions

    (BTW, you can get XP for much cheaper than 61 pounds if you look around)
  4. Matacumbie

    Matacumbie Rocky Top

    Welcome to Major Geeks. :)


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