pictures getting glitched up during editing

Discussion in 'Software' started by Kestrel13!, May 17, 2015.

  1. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    I edit some of my photographs using a software called Smart Photo Editor. I view pictures/photo's using Irfanview.

    I have a problem which has been going on for some time, when I edit a photograph, it comes out like this. (See attached)

    To remedy it, I have to open the picture up with Irfanview and just SAVE it again. But doing this every time is a nuisance, can anyone tell me what's causing it and how to prevent it please? It doesn't happen every SINGLE time I edit and resave a picture, but still.... annoying.

    Attached Files:

  2. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    As I'm not familiar with Smart Photo Editor, my guesstimate is it might have something to do with the size (4000 x 3000) of the image. Does the problem occur with all image sizes?
  3. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    My photographs are all the same size, I never crop or anything, so don't know about other sizes.
  4. plastidust

    plastidust Command Sergeant Major

    Are you using the paid or trial version Kes?
    I just watched a 2 year old 11 minute video: Smart Photo Editor Tutorial-how to do effects-1.
    In the first couple of minutes the author states that he was un-able to save images using the trial version. He was, however, so impressed with the program that he bought it after 7 minutes of use.

    A year later, in the comments on YouTube, the author replied to a comment about the program crashing. He believed it had to do with a newly implemented animation feature.

    Haven't found anything specific to your situation yet, but here is their support:
    page: Get support for Smart Photo Editor
    forums: Smart Photo Editor - Forums

    Don't know if any of this will be of use, but the program looks interesting.

    Hmm, found a couple of post about cropped images when saved, but no resolution to the problem other than to open a "support ticket."
    There could well be other references and I missed them. Only had one cup of coffee so far.
  5. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    Plastidust and Musksnipe thankyou both very much indeed for your replies. Both very helpful. I was trying to answer Musksnipe's questions but it is not currently happening at the moment unbelievably, it WILL happen again though sooner or later and I'll make a response. :)

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