PLEASE Help Me Find A Mobo With These Specs!

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by HasSanK, Dec 17, 2006.

  1. HasSanK

    HasSanK Specialist

    Excuse my language but DAMN IT! I have been searching now for 2 weeks for a motherboard that has the following specs:

    - Supports 4 sticks of DDR RAM at the same time (two 512mb sticks + two 256mb sticks)
    - Supports This EXACT Processor:
    - Is around £30-40 (Or cheaper)

    Every time I think I've found the perfect one I find out that there is something wrong with it.

    I would REALLY appreciate any help in finding a mobo with the above specs, as I need to receive it for Christmas.

    Seeing as I live in the UK I'm going to have to order it from a UK website such as:

  2. Tubnotub1

    Tubnotub1 Private First Class

    Here is one... we really do need more information. For example, are you planning on overclocking or not. Do you have a chipset preference? Do you want PCI-E or AGP? Onboard video? Realize one thing, the board I linked is a PCI-e board. A comparable AGP one will be cheaper, and more then likely put you <40.
  3. HasSanK

    HasSanK Specialist

    That mobo only supports DDR II unfortunately. I need one that supports 4 sticks of DDR.

    Here is what I am looking for:

    - NOT planning on overclocking
    - 'Preferably' with PCI-e but not necessary
    - Socket 775 that supports Dual Core
    - No need for onboard video as I'm buying a new GFX Card

  4. Tubnotub1

    Tubnotub1 Private First Class

    LGA 775 Does not support DDR Memory, only DDR2. If you want something that supports DDR you are going to have to go with socket 478 I believe. If that is the case you will also have to choose a different processor.

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