posting for new problem

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by agiosotheos, Jun 17, 2011.

  1. agiosotheos

    agiosotheos Private E-2

    I've read numerous pages about not bumping the same thread, not posting new info on your thread, and not starting a new thread to try to get attention to the same problem, but none of that seems to address what I'm considering right now, so I'm starting a thread here to ask. What is to be done if one develops a new and distinct problem from the one that one just started a thread about?
  2. iain.t

    iain.t MajorGeek

    Just add it into the original post if it is of the same type of issue..i.e... software/drivers/hardware etc... or if it is not of the same type of issue then create a new thread in the appropriate forum.

    hope this clarifies this for you.

    iain.t :major
  3. BILLMCC66

    BILLMCC66 Bionic Belgian

    The only rule about posting that is considered naughty is "bumping" but as for the rest the moderators are very lenient so just post in your original thread and if it is necessary one of the mods will move it for you.
  4. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hi and welcome

    Its always wise to start a new thread on any issue you have for a few reasons, one it detracts from the original posters thread and the help they are getting and adding an issue from a different pc or on a different pc can make the thread confusing.

    It may also be the case that your issue while on the face of it may look the same there are variables in different OS and applications installed etc, so what works for one nay not for you. There also is the thing of if you post to an old thread or someone elses your question may get ignored,its not on purpose but many and I'm guilty of it at times is that I want to give the original poster my full attention without getting side tracked.

    So always best to start a New Thread on an issue so you get dedicated help on your issue.
  5. BILLMCC66

    BILLMCC66 Bionic Belgian

    Did i misinterpret this ??
    i read it as posting a new problem in his own thread.
  6. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    No think you are right Bill and agiosotheos has posted a new thread in malware so thats fine, I was if your post was directed at me, and I must say I forgot to quote (was on mobile phone in barbers at the time, so pushed for time in typing) post #2 in the info to post in the same thread as a like for like question.

    That is not best option for the reasons I mentioned and a few more now that I'm in front of a proper PC, in

    1. Not great as while the issue maybe the same the fix may not/
    2. Hardware and Software maybe different so need potentially different fixes.
    3. May confuse the OP (original poster) and secondary poster as the info posted in a thread may not be aimed at them.
    4. May get overlooked as members will deal with OP first.
    5. Posting in old threads maybe out of date as Windows version differs, Service Pack differs, Hardware and Software versions differ and may need different fixes.


    Its always best to start a new thread, gets dedicated advice per user and per hard/software, a win win for all, as threads with multiple users and issues that are maybe alike are confusing as hell to keep track of where everyone is upto.
  7. BILLMCC66

    BILLMCC66 Bionic Belgian

    My post was not aimed at you David, i was doubting my own interpretation of what i read.

    As you know i have stopped posting in the tech forums because i do not trust my self any longer, my memory has deteriorated dramatically in the last 3 months and at times i am not very lucid.

  8. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Cheers Bill and yes I had to re-read the post again a few times and the following posts, as for your other bit I will take that offline in a reply.

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