posting section help

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by dave groona, Feb 19, 2012.

  1. dave groona

    dave groona Private E-2

    hello to all.

    i could use some help with my pc but i don't want to post in the wrong section and upset anyone.

    i really hope to get some help with this as it is making me sad.

    it seems my pc is locking up, freezing. also, my internet can not stream you tube videos. a 3 minute film takes 30 minutes to download.

    please point me in the right direction so i can post in the appropriate section.

    thank you
  2. lbmest

    lbmest MajorGeek

    Hi dave groona,
    It sounds like you should be posting in the Software forum. Don't worry too much as sometimes the software problems can go into hardware and vice versa.
    If you would please give some more information in describing your problem and some computer specs - Operating system, browser you are using, any error messages, make and model of computer, what you are doing when the problem occurs, etc.
    Good Luck

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