Pretty much a newbie

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by madman2183, Jul 17, 2009.

  1. madman2183

    madman2183 Private E-2

    Hey guys like the title says I'm kind of a newbie I know a few things here and there but still doesnt add up to much. well my problem is.... I dont even know what I have! my desktop is running slow and now I cant even keep my web browser up for more than 5min before it crashes I just shut it down and dont want to mess with it until I get some advice. please can you guys help me out any? I would be greatly apreciated. :cry :-o
  2. silas

    silas MajorGeek

    Hello and welcome to the site! :wave Very great people here to help and assist with you. I would go to the malware section of forums and post there. And heres a sticky from that section of the cleaning process
    You should find out what kind of computer you have either xp, vista, etc.. So you can do its proper cleaning process. Once you do that, do what that link ask you to do exactly, and follow it. Once your done post your logs in the malware section of forums. And be patient on them to help you(bumping cause delay). Also if you cant run all the programs then tell them and tell them what happen and what it said.. Thanks for coming here.
  3. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    With all due respect to Silas, since your machine is slowly getting slower, I would try the maintenance guide first since you didn't mention a sudden slowdown which can be caused by malware.;) By all means go through the read and run first if you wish though it is time consuming.

    Welcome aboard.:)
  4. TeeCee

    TeeCee MajorGeek

    Welcome, madman2183, :wave you have come to the right place. You are a stranger here but once. There are lots of good folk here that will guide you, so just follow their instructions, and you and your 'puter will be back in the speed of things in no time ;)
  5. bigtrucks

    bigtrucks MajorGeek

    Welcome and have a look around.
  6. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    a warm welcome to MajorGeeks :)
  7. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..
  8. rustyjack

    rustyjack MajorGeek

    Welcome to MG's :wave
  9. joey off the street

    joey off the street Lounge Lizard No.1

    Welcome to the MGs forums, madman :wave
    Very fitting name you have there, you'll blend in well here. Should be a few more with that username. Especially the Brit contingent. :-D Me excluded, of course.
  10. madman2183

    madman2183 Private E-2

    hey guys I'm trying to work on my computer now thanks for the advise lets see what happens
  11. tonycat

    tonycat Private E-2

    Hi folks! I am a newbie to this forum, but not to computers. After some automatic downloaded Microsoft updates, my Internet Explorer version 8.0 launches itself with the Add-Ons disabled (Flash, etc.). The toolbar that the program brings up seems to indicate I can manage the Add-Ons, but still won't let me, and won't keep any changes past the current session. The Add-Ons show as "enabled" in the window that comes up when I click on the toolbar to manage Add-Ons. Anyone else encountered this? How do I get back control of Internet Explorer Add-Ons myself? Thanks for any help!
  12. TeeCee

    TeeCee MajorGeek

    Welcome to MG, tonycat :wave I think you would be farther ahead, to post your question in the Software thread, as there are MANY more eyes there, that can answer you... I am sticking to IE 7 myself.

    I am sure you are not the only one, so post it in Software, and you will get some answers.. Most likely, several LOL welcome aboard! ;)
  13. loriosgood

    loriosgood Private E-2

    I am having troubles with my computer starting up all the way. It says windows root 7\systim 32\ntoskrml.exe. is corrupt. If I put the recovery disc. in it won't run it says SETUPREG.HIV error code 257
  14. bigtrucks

    bigtrucks MajorGeek

    Welcome Loriosgood
    First I'm sorry you're having problems with your start up you've come to the right place but posted in the wrong place for help. LOL But not to worry we all make mistakes and as new comers it's ok. ;) If you'll post your problem in the soft ware forum by clicking on this link someone can better assist you with your situation. In the mean time have a look around the forums and join in. If you are unsure of anything do not hesitate to ask that's what we're here for. Enjoy and good luck.
  15. TeeCee

    TeeCee MajorGeek

    Welcome t MG loriosgood :wave Just follow bigtruck's link, and I am sure you will get the answers you seek..and your 'puter will be right as rain before you know it! There are a LOT more eyes in Software, so that is why we send you to software... Glad to have ya! ;)
  16. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    to tonycat and loriosgood.
    Would really be better if you started your own Hello post rather than jumping onto an ongoing one.
    You get tangled up and lost and any possible answers meant for one person is misdirected.Gets very confusing at times.

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