Printtok2/tokenization: I'm Doing Something Wrong!

Discussion in 'Software' started by HarryPotter, Feb 18, 2025.

  1. HarryPotter

    HarryPotter MajorGeek

    Hi! I've been working on a program called PrintTok2. It is a compression utility that compresses text for 8-bit computers, and its main target is for text adventures, but I have another target that might eventually benefit from it. I've been able to get it to work several times, but every time, the compression ratio was poor. I believe it's due to my rendition of tokenization. I can reveal the erroneous code here if anybody wants. I'm looking for a link to how to do tokenization. I believe I tried Google before but didn't quite get what I needed.
  2. HarryPotter

    HarryPotter MajorGeek

    I tried Google at a day program today but didn't find what I needed. :(

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