Problem allocating BIOS Buffer

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by disk00, Oct 6, 2012.

  1. disk00

    disk00 Private E-2


    My motherboard is a BIOSTAR TH55XE

    Is there any way to fix that? Or possibly completely reset my bios? ...

    I did something stupid like using an app for my motherboard to change the splash screen from BIOSTAR, to anything I like... well I am trying to revert my change, but it can't change it due to the error shown in the picture...

    I hope this isn't a lost cause :(
  2. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

  3. disk00

    disk00 Private E-2

    I came here, and asked to save me reading through a long manual hoping it has my solution...not that I am against it or anything...last time I browsed it I didn't think I saw a solution.
  4. disk00

    disk00 Private E-2

    So I am guessing there is no ideas on how to fix this?....

    I read the manual, at least in the described areas. Nothing in there about how to actually fix the errors.
  5. sach2

    sach2 Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Is that the BioScreen program from your motherboard page? How did you start that program in the screenshot by using Start>All Programs or did you use command line? Is that what you did when you ran it last time. It should be a Windows program with a GUI interface.

  6. disk00

    disk00 Private E-2

    Yep, it looks exactly like your picture. The problem is, after you transform the picture so it will work, when you click to update the image...i get that error I showed in my picture.
  7. sach2

    sach2 Major Geek Extraordinaire

    My interpretation is that you run the BIOScreen program change your splash screen logo and then the program opens the AFUwinx64.exe BIOS flash program to save the changes. The AFUwin program is the one that doesn't want to run.

    I don't know much about that program and can't find anyone having the exact same error or even an explanation of the error.

    The two things I can think of would be to unplug your computer and remove the CMOS battery for a minute then put back together and see if any change to the splash screen. I doubt there will be a change because I think the BIOS itself is altered to include the new screen but it may be worth a try since there is no risk.

    The other thing is to flash the BIOS with the newest one from your motherboard site. This would give you the standard version of BIOS with the standard splash screen. Although there is a slight chance of a problem when flashing BIOS, I have never had a problem as there are safeguards built into the flashing programs.

    The Biostar site says to use the F12 method by hitting F12 during the splash screen to enter the flashing utility as described in the last method here. You need to copy the BIOS file (H55AA614.BST) to a fat32 formatted flash drive for the process.

    I have a feeling you will need to reflash the BIOS to get back the original screen. The F12 method will be the most reliable and is recommended since the Windows methods are always more troublesome. I would hope you will not get the same error using the F12 method.
  8. disk00

    disk00 Private E-2

    I will try this now...thanks!

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