Problem with Online Videos Stopping

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by SummerinFlorida, Jan 20, 2007.

  1. SummerinFlorida

    SummerinFlorida Private E-2

    I do need help--but I located a contest for an IE7 add-in while trying to figure out what was wrong. Details can be viewed at

    My computer experience is limited to typing and clicking and copying and pasting. My ISP is unable to figure out what is wrong. I have RoadRunner (RR). I had RR 7 until the first of this year. I now have RR Lite as the promotion for RR7 ended. I also switched sometime last year from IE6 to IE7.

    When I view a video it stops and starts. This happens unless I have the option of selecting a low broadband (128 kbps or less). I don't have this option on my ISP's home page. I did notice that when I view a video on my ISP's home page it will stop and start when first played, but if played a second time I don't have any problem.

    Also, my ISP offers a free radio. I use to be able to listen to the radio, but now there is no sound. (It is not muted.)

    Does anyone have any ideas?

    Thank you.
  2. SummerinFlorida

    SummerinFlorida Private E-2

    Thank you. I'll post accordingly providing I don't lose my cable connection again. It's on and off every weekend, every mid-morning for some unknown reason.

  3. SummerinFlorida

    SummerinFlorida Private E-2

    I'm happy to report that I received quality Technical Assistance earlier via online chat with Road Runner Technical Assistance. He confirmed that the video problem may be a result of the switch to RR Lite. He also said that he detected a weak signal in my cable. He recommended that my local provider increase my signal strength. My local provider did not detect a problem with the signal strength when I spoke with the representative. I have a technician coming out on the 28th. Will see what happens. I'd love to know why I lose the connection every weekend morning beginning around 10. The problem stops in the afternoon. A technican was out last Sunday. He couldn't find anything wrong. He was out after 4 though. This time my appt. is between 10 and 1. That's when I have the problem. As for no sound with RR Radio, it may be because I have IE7. I have instructions to check and clear flash that I need to do.

    P.S. I love the games that are available on your site!
  4. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    HI Glad the tech assistance at RR was good, its always good to hear of good support.

    As for Flash and IE7, yes Adobe Flash does need updating for IE7 as the older version doesnt work right, once you update its fine.
  5. Bladesofhalo

    Bladesofhalo MajorGeek

    Welcome to MajorGeeks :)

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