Problem with Spellcheck download

Discussion in 'Software' started by AnnieB, Mar 25, 2005.

  1. AnnieB

    AnnieB Private E-2

    I just downloaded the "free" spellcheck file for Outlook Express. I then clicked on the icon on my desktop which seemed to be installing it. Now what?? I reopened outlook express 6.0 and created an email hoping to see the spellcheck option available but it isn't. What am I not doing?

    Would appreciate any assistance.

  2. Norby

    Norby Private First Class

    Open up the window to create an e-mail then put your cursor on the tool bar and right click it,then click Customize it should be there in Available tool buttons,just move it over to your Current tool bar buttons. I hope that helps.
  3. AnnieB

    AnnieB Private E-2

    I see where it is in the available tool bar buttons and I moved it to active or current tool bar buttons, but as soon as I close that box where you do that, it goes away. It still isn't darkened so I can use it in an email. Am I missing a step??
  4. Norby

    Norby Private First Class

    That's all you do is move it to Current tool bar buttons the click close and it should take.
  5. Oooops!

    Oooops! MajorGeek

    I didn't even know that Outlook Express had a downloadable spellchecker! Gone to Google it right now!
  6. AnnieB

    AnnieB Private E-2

    I've already clicked on add to the current tool bar options. I see it in the list. But then when I close that box, it doesn't appear on the Outlook Express box as a usable option. It almost seems like that box should have a box that says "apply" or "save" changes but it doesn't. So I still can't get at it on the emails.... Any suggestions?

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