Programs using too much CPU.

Discussion in 'Software' started by Bacn, Jun 21, 2008.

  1. Bacn

    Bacn Private E-2

    Sorry if this is in the wrong section. My the programs on my computer have been using up a lot more CPU then then normally do. I have tried several malware scans, and they all failed to find anything. I have tried defragging but it hasn't helped my situation. I'm not very good with computers, so I can't think of anything else that would cause this.
  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    If you hit CRTL-ALT-DEL and look in the Processes list what applications are using the most CPU time ( note System idle if your PC is doing nothing hovers around 90%+ so this is norm )?
  3. Bacn

    Bacn Private E-2

    Right now firefox.exe, Enso.exe, services.exe, xfire.exe, csrss.exe and ctfmon.exe are using the most CPU. When I'm idle, there's usually about 3-5 programs that are using about 1-3 CPU. The programs and how much CPU they're using is constantly changing.

    As for system idle, it usually stays around 90%+ and occasionally gos below 90%.
  4. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    Idle is fine,, with the figures you have mentioned, but what sorts of % are the other using ( rough guide is ok as I know they change constantly ) and is the master figure at the bottom of Task Manager shows what %?

    What I'm looking for is a high CPU from 1 or 2 apps that individually or together are in the region of 80-99%

    Can you post a screenshot of the Task Manager page only with the processes, as thats great to see in person.

    What also are the symptoms your having are applications slow to open etc?

    Which Windows version?

    What security software do you have installed, please name all?
  5. Bacn

    Bacn Private E-2

    When I'm idle, my CPU usage tends to stay around 1-5%.

    Here's the task manager when I'm not doing anything.

    This is what it generally looks like when I try to play anything. The game I'm playing is using the same engine as Quake 2. A few months ago it never used more then 3 CPU.

    My computer just runs slower whenever I try to run anything.

    I'm running Windows XP Professional x64 Edition.

    Right now, I have AVG and Spybot installed.

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