"queencreek" Running On My Laptop

Discussion in 'Software' started by ANNIEPOTTS, Jan 9, 2019.


    ANNIEPOTTS Private First Class

    recently,I had to manually update a discontinued driver for Intel Centrino (bing bong..NOT). ONLY HJT 1.99.1 picked up the 'queencreek' running service.
    Internet can not offer much advice,as I wish to remove.I know it is Intel related.
    I think it is some quality control report?? BUT,it is related to drivers' data properties .Can I delete?
    Thank you.Sorry to bother.I could find no help.In fact,no distinct info except 2 places.

    'hackg' had the best info:

    USER_ESRV_SVC_QUEENCREEK -- no description
    Intel\Intel Telemetry 2 -- Uploader for the Intel(R) Product Improvement Program.
    The program creates folders on the system on top of that:

    Program Files\Intel\SUR\QUEENCREEK
    Program Files\Intel\Telemetry 2.0
    Program Files\Intel Driver Update Utility
    Program Files (x86)\Intel Driver Update Utility
    Last but not least,(deleting files) installs a new driver semav6msr64.
  2. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Option 1:
    Open Services, find Energy Server Service queencreek and change the Startup type to manual.

    Option 2:
    Uninstall Intel Driver Update Utility.

    ANNIEPOTTS Private First Class

    Had ESS on delayed start. Following your instructions.Um,do I delete Intel Driver Update Utility from both places: Program Files and Program Files x86?(it is in both places) THANK YOU.
  4. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    No, you uninstall it.

    ANNIEPOTTS Private First Class

    aaahhh...my personal computer chatter is SO wrong.Yes,in my mind,it is uninstall.Yet,I blurt out "delete".At times,I have also said,just kill it (that one can really be open ended to some).
    While I am annoying you,it is better to uninstall in safe mode?
    Thank You.
  6. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire


    ANNIEPOTTS Private First Class

    THANK YOU very much.I did download it.Better than IOBIT.(paid version)On a side note,paid ASC is horrid.Like a perpetual ad machine,redirects to buy more and "better".Find and remove rate is app 65%-70% (ASC,IOBIT MalwareFighter (find rate is abysmal),Uninstaller is halfassed,DriverBooster is waste:want all updates?they redirect to pay more.Use your computer's device manager. Expand all.Right click on each device.You will see update driver.Free to you and you learn.
    Have a Good Day.

    ANNIEPOTTS Private First Class

    addendum note: installed REVO.Ran 1x,perfect.Second time? warning Malware from Iobit MalwareFighter. Could NOT open Revo desktop file or download file.After much searching,found a trojan. Time of trojan entry was app 50 minutes after I ran Revo the first time. Cleaned computer (everywhere),had to uninstall Revo (I did hide the executable file first LOL). Iobit uninstaller ran just dandy,for what it is worth. Computer seems to be functioning well at the moment. BTW: ran compatibility,program conflicts etc in beginning.All was fine. At 4:00am (est US),I'm thinking computer specialist J.Wick needs to visit some programmers.
    Suggestions,please?I personally feel "you all" are smarter than the *ucktards who sent me the virus.
  9. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    If you downloaded Revo Uninstaller from the link I posted, the file is clean.
    It has been downloaded 500,000+ times.
  10. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    This thread is more than a year old. Start a new thread.
  11. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    I moved it...apparently Dianna didn't notice.
    Eldon likes this.
  12. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Intel(R) Computing Improvement Program

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