Question about Chilled Water Cooling

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by GameSageZB, Jun 14, 2008.

  1. GameSageZB

    GameSageZB Private E-2

    Okay, I've been doing some looking around, and it's been driving me nuts.

    Phase change cooling gets your parts down sub 0. Chilled water cooling can, too. I know that phase change cooling is supposed to be more effective, blah, blah, blah.

    My question is this: What is the purpose of having temperatures below 0 degrees Celsius? If you're overclocking, and your temperature is under 50-60, why does it matter to get it that cold?

    Maybe I'm just being thick, but, it doesn't quite make sense.
  2. Bold Eagle

    Bold Eagle MajorGeek

    OC causes considerable amounts of heat.....phase cooling means you can OC a CPU by another 40-50% than you normally might be able because of the extra cooling. It will never be below zero excepting maybe at the initial onset but when you start to really load the CPU you will still take temps to 60-70C (at say 4.5-5GHZ), which would otherwise have the CPU at 100-150C and fry the component. Haven't heard of chilled water cooling and it sounds a damn myth! Phase cooling is basically getting your home AC, time that by 10 and then focused on one specific point (the CPU).
  3. GameSageZB

    GameSageZB Private E-2

    Yeah, I knew what they were. Hmmm. So, why, then, on the commercial phase-change cooling systems is 0 degrees celsius the cut-off/"OMG, too hot!" phase?

    Chilled liquid cooling basically uses phase change cooling in a resevoir instead of directly attatched to computer components.
  4. akhilles

    akhilles First Sergeant

    Phase change can bring temps down to -50-ish. I've read about chilled water, but it seems to be there's no commerical solutions for PCs. You have to DIY. BTW, OCZ is bringing out a phase change unit for $500 US + shipping.
  5. GameSageZB

    GameSageZB Private E-2

    So, basically, it's just a middle range sort of option that would hopefully be cheaper than phase-change, but more expensive than liquid cooling that could get your PC down to temps lower than liquid, but not to the uber-negatives.

    Hmmm, I haven't heard about the OCZ thing. When is it coming out?
  6. akhilles

    akhilles First Sergeant

    Ok my bad. It's $300 + shipping. OCZ keeps saying next week, but it never materialized so far. You can ask OCZ.

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