Question: How long is normal wait for Help?

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by damedic_mt, Dec 25, 2009.

  1. damedic_mt

    damedic_mt Private E-2


    I don't know if this is the right place to post this question, but I don't really want to do something out of place, like bump!

    I posted a question/problem on 12/15/2009 with logs after following the "Read Me..."

    I got a reply from Dr. M on the 17th, stating that the logs are currently being reviewed & will get back to me soon. I got a reply with a set of steps to follow on the 22nd.

    I replied on the 22nd saying I had problems at the get go with error messages. I stopped there & in the reply stated step by step in detail what problems I had encountered & will wait for instructions on how to proceed.

    I still have not received a reply. Just curious... it is now the 25th, is this a normal waiting time? I will continue to be patient, but my wife is wanting to use her computer, but I am afraid that there is so many bits of malware, viruses, trojans or whatever - buried really deep that the computer may continue to be even more jeopardized. So, I sit & wait. I check the Malware forum about 2 or 3 times a day, but yet no reply.

    Thanks. Just curious and would like to have an idea what normal wait times are between replies.

    I truly appreciate those who provide such assitance to us all - you guys rock :dood.

    Happy Holidays to all!

    I'm sorry if this was touched on in another forum or thread.

  2. BILLMCC66

    BILLMCC66 Bionic Belgian

    I think you will find that the waiting time is prolonged for the moment due to a number of the malware team celebrating Christmas but after the holidays it should be back up to speed.

    When a malware fighter takes on a problem the team generally leave it to that person (in your case Dr M) and unless he requests help the rest of the team stay away so as not to give conflicting info.

    Please be patient and they will get back to you as soon as the hangover wears off.:cool
  3. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    What Bill said, we have a limited team here and many people needing help. I understand your situation and believe you had a response minutes before making this thread.
  4. damedic_mt

    damedic_mt Private E-2

    As stated, just curious. I appreciate the help we non techies recieve from such an awesome, dedicated group of guys & gals.

    I understand the holiday influence & time with family & all.

    Thanks for the replies, stay safe & enjoy!

    I will take a look & hopefully you are correct Major A., and I will find the response I have been waiting for. If not, then that's ok, I guess & will continue to wait in patience & in advance, appreciation!

    Happy Holidays: Whether it be Christmas, Channukah, Kwanzaa or ??? :wave
  5. WillDeNess

    WillDeNess Private E-2

    I was wondering about this also. I fully understand with holidays and people having major problems on their computers needing more attention. However, I cannot help but feel a little hurt (aww aren't I prewcious!) when I wait for a reply to a simple question and someone asking a similar one after me gets answered promptly.
    Is it a rank thing here? I know I don't come online often so if that's the issue then I'm sorry, seems I have commitment issues in the virtual world as well as the real one.
    I really do appreciate the effort you guys go to to answer questions, even incredibly stupid ones with patience and good humour. I also do appreciate the other members on the forum who help out the noobs and the out and out stupid (I luckily fall into the cusp of noob and stupid so I have the best of both worlds)Well I'll resist the urge to bump my own topic, I've already had the experience of being called a troll for asking for help twice on the same problem. (not here mind you're all far to nice for that.)

    Happy holidays all and I hope you all have a great new year.
  6. BILLMCC66

    BILLMCC66 Bionic Belgian

    There is no ranking system for malware help.
    When a request is posted it joins a list and then as a malware fighter becomes available they take the next one from the list so that it is fair for everyone.

    If anyone bumps a request it is automatically put back at the bottom of the list so this will not help getting a quicker answer.

    As for posts in any other of the forums it is just chance who answers which post as there is no list involved (just luck of the draw)

    Even though you do not come to the site often that will not count against you, here we are all equal.
  7. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    They are volunteers, the free help you get is truly provided for free by people who have jobs, families and hobbies. We don't let just anyone answer your questions, try any forum and you get the same uninformed responses everywhere. You can't rush quality.
  8. damedic_mt

    damedic_mt Private E-2

    Thanks for the confirming what I had already believed to be true, Major A! That is why I give Kudo's to the experts of the Malware Removal team, they are doing this, outside of their normal life. Again, KUDOS - :clap

    But for me, I am dealing with a very anxious wife whos computer died a few days before my post on the 15th of Dec. I got the computer back to life from a BSOD. But still many trojans, or viruses or malware or hijackers or etc.

    Found this site & posted on the 15th I had an average wait time of about 3-4 days between replies. I have looked around and other posters seem to get quicker replies from other MG's team members. Some have even replied the same day & yet others I saw received two replies in the same 24 hour duration? I am puzzled?
    I started thinking the same thing as WillDeNess, lately.

    For me what is frustrating (along with my wifes constant asking about the status of her computer) is that upon getting the first reply with instructions 5 days after my first post, I immediately followed the instructions, (which took all of almost 2 hours, to detail each step & problem that ensued) and posted about 2.5 hrs after recieving the instructions.

    I then received my 2nd set of instructions 3 days later. That team member accidentally gave me a Wrong File Path, within his instruction for me to follow!

    (I Did get an embarrassed smiley & received an apology, Thank You Dr. M, that was very nice! :))

    Although, I did not know this until I did all of his steps and posted right back. (He provided me his post around midnight, I found it in the morning & by noon or so, completed his steps & posted an immediate reply)

    About a day & half later, I then receive a post saying that there was a wrong file path given, please retry with the corrections. I did and completed all of the instructions, to what I thought were to a "Tee". Posted all of my logs & detailed that I had all kinds of problems with many types of popups & error messages and very time consuming efforts to complete all of this, but dilligently: step by step, I completed and detailed the actions taken & posted a reply.

    When I recieved the next reply I was told that I had not completed all of the steps. I thought I did? I went back & looked at the detail, (unless my loggings were incorrect, I thought I had done the instructions) & I did post everything done as instructed. But... I persevered & did all of his instructions again & posted my reply.

    It is now almost two days later & still have not received a reply.

    I know & understand the holidays are being observed, there are family obligations, jobs have to be done and get to work to get that Paycheck to support family, I realize all of this, & that is why I can appreciate the efforts of the the Malware Removal team at

    I could be just imagining that others may appear to be getting quicker responses & preferential treatment? Maybe I'm dealing with personal issues? :( Maybe I should stop listening to those voices? :confused my head!

    Anyways - Thanks for letting me rant.

    And I do apologize if this post seems to be offensive, it definitely was not meant to be. Just needing to let of some built up pressurized steam.

    I guess I just have to deal with my wife, a little bit longer? :mad

    Thanks again!

    Happy New Year!

    May 2010 be "Malware Free"
  9. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Handled. :major
  10. bigtrucks

    bigtrucks MajorGeek

    Welcome to the both of you and you are in good hands with these peeps.Have a look around and enjoy the place.

  11. WillDeNess

    WillDeNess Private E-2

    Thank you everyone for answering my whining self indulgent little post. I know that you do everything that you do out of, for want of a better word, love and a sense of community.
    Unless I have gotten the reasons wrong or just made them sound lame then do correct me, I need it when on the internets.

    Thank you isn't a strong enough way of expressing the gratitude I feel when someone I have never met goes out of their way to help me with my trivial problems. Geez I'm getting all sentimental now, makes me want to kick my own arse now.

    Cheers all and Thanks a lot. :-o (It's the best I could come up with)
    And the felicitations of the holiday season to you all.

  12. damedic_mt

    damedic_mt Private E-2

    I think I owe an apology to the forum...

    Please accept my apology for being restless & impatient!!! :-o

    Yeah, you are correct, "BillMCC & Major A"

    And, I was probably just a little antsy & anxious because my wife really wanted her 'puter back.

    And I fully understand, NOW, these folks, the assistants to us to fight malware, are providing time out of their life. And yes, I am pretty sure they have a life outside of this forum!

    But for whatever reason they take the time to selflessly, contribute to forums like this, to help the users of infected computers,
    THANK YOU! :clap

    During my rants & ravings, I missed the point of my above stated comment. And it was the holidays, Sheesh, I should have gotten that.

    Oh well, now I know the normal time frames for responses, and I can work within that.
    I just needed to know that & come to terms with that and now all is good & I'm cool with that.

    Again my thanks to all of the Malware Fighters - I toast you all! :wine

    You help us from this type of activity - :banghead
  13. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    The only thing we ask of people who are requesting assistance with their malware issues is to follow our instructions. Often, when the instructions aren't followed, that is the reason for delays on their part.


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