Questions about MS 06-061 MSXML core parser

Discussion in 'Software' started by mkybul, Apr 11, 2007.

  1. mkybul

    mkybul Private E-2

    Hello, I have several received update notices lately from BigFix about this update "MS06-061: Vulnerabilities in Microsoft XML Core Services could allow remote code execution(KB924191)" I have looked it up on the MS website but I can't make sense of the article or its relevence. My question is, is this an important update and is ok to update from the Big Fix websit? I have been hesisitant to do so b/c I don't know what it is. I have downloaded all recommended updates from windows updates as they come up but this one only comes from BigFix. Can anyone provide some insight and recommendations on this? I would greatly appreciate any feedback. I am running WinXP Home Edition with SP2 if that means anything. Thanks!


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