ran TDSSkiller and now the internet doesnt work on my PC - Please Help !!!

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Synthetic123, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. Synthetic123

    Synthetic123 Private E-2

    This is the first time i have EVER registered on anykind of forum and this will be my first post so please bare with me if i make any rookie mistakes because this is all brand new to me. [Thank You]

    I was having the Google Redirect problem on my Windows Xp PC and when i googled how to fix it and there was overwhelming support for TDSSKiller so i downloaded the program and ran it. The scan found 2 serious issues and suggested Cure for one and Quarantine for the other which i accepted. The computer Rebooted with no problem then when i went to use the Internet it says its connected and working properly but no longer worked.

    I tried restarting the Modem and Router, repairing the connection, called comcast and they pinged the modem and said there was nothing wrong with it, switching cables around, reinstalling drivers and anything else i could think of but nothing works. My Laptop which im currently on and my dads computer are all connected to the same internet connection and are both working fine, but my PC is the only one that isnt.

    PLEASE HELP ME if you believe you can or have any suggestions, im open to anything that might work. I would very much prefer to fix the problem if possible then have to format because i have almost 1200 songs, games, pictures and over 10 years worth of stuff which i really dont wanna loose. [thank you very much]
  2. sikvik

    sikvik Corporal Karma

    Hey Synthetic123, welcome to MGs. :)
    Work your way through the Read And Run Me.
    Follow the directions.
    If you have issues, make a note of the same- and continue on to the next step of instructions.
    Once you have the requested logs, please attach the same in a new thread started in MalwareRemoval.
    Mention any Issues, you may have faced running the scanners /obtaining logs.


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