Random Reboot

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by nigh, Dec 1, 2020.

  1. nigh

    nigh Private E-2

    I had a problem a while back where my PC started randomly rebooting & became progressively harder to start. Because it reported boot sector errors, I replaced the HDD with a SSD & cloned the OS & software across. I also uninstalled a lot of old unused software. All was well for about 3 months but the PC has now started rebooting itself again once per day or so. One of the "there was a problem...." screens noted a ndu.sys error which relates to a Malwarebytes conflict so I ran the Malwarebytes repair tool but the problem persists.

    Is there any software I could run which would record the error at the next random reboot to help me diagnose the problem?

    Win10 home, 64 bit, automatic updates
    AMD A4-5300 APU 3.4GHz
    Radeon HD graphics on board
    SSD 350Gb free
    16Gb RAM
  2. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    Note: I don't run Windows 10.

    I'm not sure how you decided it was caused by Malwarebytes. According to this
    it is caused by incompatible hardware drivers.
    Can you see if Windows driver updates is turned on? If so, turn it off.
    Look through the Windows updates and see if any were installed since this error occurred. One of those could be what is causing the problem.

    Go into Malwarebytes Settings then Security. Scroll down to Scan Options.
    Use expert system algorithms to identify malicious files.
    The default is off; if you've toggled it to on, turn it off. It is off for a reason, the AI portion is beta. It isn't yet ready for prime time.
  3. nigh

    nigh Private E-2

    Thanks for your reply. My info came from the Malwarebytes forum. I'll go through your suggestions & see what happens (or hopefully doesn't happen).

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