Re: Audio device on high definition audio bus problem

Discussion in 'Software' started by ezye2014PFC, Oct 21, 2008.

  1. ezye2014PFC

    ezye2014PFC Private E-2

    hey guys im haveing the same problem i was going through my programs getting rid of things that i never used and things that were just takeing up space. I seen a program called mixer device i looked at it said to myself i would never need it and removed it. now it cant access my volume control because there is no sound device. I have a toshiba satellite l35-s1054. theres 2 "!" when i go into my device manager. one ! is one "audio device on high definition audio bus" and the other ! is on "(MOBILE ASSIST)Realtek RTL8139/810x family fast enthernet NIC". i have tryed to update both but for the audio bus it says there is no upto date software then wat i have and it is code 28. then for the realtek family fast ethernet it says it cannot start and has code 10. i really need some help my laptop is useless without sound...please post back..

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