Re Register??

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Mid Range, Apr 24, 2010.

  1. Mid Range

    Mid Range Private E-2

    Hello All/Whomever

    I 'joined' MG in May 2009 and in the course of the past year posted several times within the Forums and received excellent help and discourse. It's been a Month or possibly 2 since I last logged on ~~ Today I attempted to log on using my original user name of MidRange and the password I have always used... I keep such as Hard Copy info on a 3 x 5 Cards for obvious reasons.

    Today I couldn't log in.. First I am told it's an invalid password and so I select the 'forgot your password' option with my always email address... the first failure comes with the "Spam Proofing" 2 words ~ except each and everytime it comes back as I have incorrectly entered them ~~

    Is it possible that the two words are to be copied without a space between the two?? that is the only faux pas I can figure that I might have been doing incorrectly.

    Then when I hit the back button and try the procedure all over again and enter my email addy it comes back with the admonition "Major Geeks currently does not recognize that as a valid email address."

    So the only thing left to me was to Re Register and I changed my Username from MidRange to Mid Range ~~

    I guess it's a moot point now that I'm back in again and I don't know how important having my previous Stats may or may not be [and who knows but that the sum total of my posts might lead to a 'Promotion' Someday from my lowly position of Private...]; but aside from that I am also concerned that this might happen again...

    Any words of Wisdom offered will be gratefully appreciated
  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    Is it that you normally use, if so check the spam folder for the password recovery, or I can issue you a new password on the old account in a PM that once you read the PC and logon, change the PW to something you want, its in your PM box now, and if you want to keep the old account say so as one of them will be deleted, be that the old one or new.
  3. Mid Range

    Mid Range Private E-2

    Good Evening Halo and Thanks for the Quick Reply!!

    Well essentially I'm in the same position I was except for the numbers of Posts, Thanked etc... My Ego can survive being an E2 I guess forever ~~ at least that's most likely the only impact incurred.. although I was partially motivated to inquire in concern of this not happening again. As a Moderator I presume you have access to all registered users Names and email addy's etc, right? Well as I reported, I had for all this time up until today been registered as MidRange instead of Mid Range and with both my email addy was and remains the same [and is Not ymail...] and I am curious as to why it was when trying to retrieve my password the bot kept coming back with the admonition that MG doesn't acknowledge my email addy <snipped here for security reasons, of course.>

    Also was my inability to have correctly recognized the two word spam guard we have to implement ~~ and the only discernable reason I can guess at is should both words be inserted with Out a space between the two or not? ... Other than that possibility I am at a loss because I am positive I correctly typed in the words requested. I ask because I think there are other procedures I will run across in MG that will require the spam filtering again.

    Thanks Again Halo!!
  4. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    Whatever the reason, WELCOME to Major Geeks (again).
  5. TeeCee

    TeeCee MajorGeek

    Welcome back, Mid Range:)
  6. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    The reason for the forum not being able to send you a password recovery email is that in your account it is a address.

    What I could do is to merge your two accounts, have MidRange as the user name and make sure that your email address is the one you are using for this account? (may need if your Password doesnt work to do a recovery of it and get the email sent out, but it should work fine)

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