Recovering "moved Files” Frm Ft32drive & Ntfs Desktop Used To Work On "moved Files"

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Focus5, May 31, 2016.

  1. Focus5

    Focus5 Private E-2

    Sleepless in Asia over:

    Recovering "moved files from pendrive

    I moved a folder of subfolders of pdfs and word folder named "from ACER" folder from a scan disk thumbdrive 8GB to my laptop, and wrote another folder from another laptop B to the same thumbdrive.

    Now my laptop A is with a thief, and I need the "from ACER" folder urgently.

    My laptop A runs on Windows 7 Starter.

    Another laptop B runs on Windows 7 Home Premium.

    1. How do I recover "from ACER" folder in the thumbdrive 8GB?

    What software can I use?

    Recovering “moved files” from alternative laptop worked on “from ACER” folder moved from thumbdrive 8GB

    2. Is it possible to recover "from ACER" folder from another laptop B?

    What software can I use?

    Recovering “moved files” from desktop worked on “from ACER” folder moved from thumbdrive 8GB

    3. The other option is to recover "from ACER" folder on a desktop C that I worked on moving "from ACER" folder to and from desktop C. Desktop C is part of a network in a library. Desktop C runs on XP.

    What software can I use?

    Please guide.
  2. MaxTurner

    MaxTurner Banned

    You need to post in the 'Software Forum'. Maybe an administrator will move this.
  3. Focus5

    Focus5 Private E-2

    Thank you! I have now.

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