Remove password from Excel workbook (XP)

Discussion in 'Software' started by Chunky Dunk, Mar 27, 2009.

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  1. Chunky Dunk

    Chunky Dunk Private E-2

    I created a workbook for a project a few months ago and set a password to keep it from being modified by anyone, but now that I don't need to worry about it being changed, I can't figure out how to remove that darn password. I don't remember how I set it in the first place so this is driving me nuts. I've tried just about everything F1 has to offer but nothing has worked yet. Can someone please help me with this? I don't need to crack the password; I want to remove it completely. :confused
  2. usafveteran

    usafveteran MajorGeek

    I have Excel 2003 but I'm not using the computer in which it's installed now. The password options are found via Save As, not Save. I can look at Excel 2003 later and post back if you haven't found it by then.
  3. jconstan

    jconstan MajorGeek

  4. Chunky Dunk

    Chunky Dunk Private E-2

    I don't have a tools button. This is for excel 2007. I tried taking the protection off the sheets but that didn't work. :confused
  5. jconstan

    jconstan MajorGeek

    Sorry, I thought it was for Excel 2003.
  6. Chunky Dunk

    Chunky Dunk Private E-2

    No problem, thanks for the response either way.
  7. oma

    oma MajorGeek

  8. usafveteran

    usafveteran MajorGeek

    Hi Chunky Dunk. Your topic title is "Remove password from Excel workbook (XP)". Is this issued resolved with your Excel XP file yet?

    In Excel 2003, if I have a file open that I want to restrict with a password, I would click on Save As, and click the Tools button on the Save As panel. That displays a drop-down list. From that list, I would choose General Options. The next panel gives me the option to set a password for opening the file and/or for modifying it. If the file already has a password assigned to it and I want to clear the password(s), I would go to the same panel and remove all characters in the box for the password.
  9. Chunky Dunk

    Chunky Dunk Private E-2

    Yay, it worked! Thanks so much oma :)

    Yes usafveteran, I'm done now. Thank you.

  10. oma

    oma MajorGeek

    Glad it worked for you Chunky Dunk. :)
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