Remove start up notice

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Sir Achie, Oct 9, 2008.

  1. Sir Achie

    Sir Achie Private E-2

    I'm running XP and at some point under the influence of a few beers managed to get a start up notice when either myself or other accounts log on. This has text I have written in and is causing no issues with start up other than I'm board with it and cant for the life of me remember how I got it on in the first place. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
  2. Doc13%

    Doc13% aka Kestrel13! aka Emms

    Hi and welcome to the forums :wave This is just the welcome centre so you will be better off reposting in software section where you will receive assistance more quicky :) good luck
  3. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Boy, how many time have I done that.....:-D

    Hang on, I got it written down somewhere around here.....Oh, and Welcome to the forums!
  4. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    Me,too! LOL
    It's best not to make too many changes to your PC, while imbibing.
    I have found places to make changes that I didn't even know existed. rolleyes

    And Welcome. :wave
  5. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..

    LOL muskie.
  6. duckfeet

    duckfeet Corporal

    Yup: go to sleep w/windows and wake up w/linux...then you gotta act like you *planned* it that way!!!

    ...or *worse*, wake up to your wife screaming: "Who's *Trixie* and why is her naked picture all over the computer!!!

    Correct answer: "I don't know, honey: some kind of weird malware...wasn't me, I was just sipping on a beer, reading majorgeeks stuff..."

  7. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    LOL funny
  8. Horsey

    Horsey Sergeant

    Welcome to Major Geeks! :wave
  9. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    Welcome to MajorGeeks!:wave

    Back when I was fighting with Linux and my Intel Pro1000 wireless adapter, I had a bunch of beer...:wine When I stumbled to my desk the next day, my wirless adapter was working. Still don't know how I got it too work. :-D

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