Removing malware

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by mveli09wamabetho, Apr 20, 2011.

  1. mveli09wamabetho

    mveli09wamabetho Private E-2

    I'm using windows vista, sp1. my computer shows files from a memory stick as a short cut, I cannot access them, if I send files from my computer to another they are displayed also as short cuts. I'm using AVG Free edition 9.0. Also I cannot get new updates from microsoft, I get an error message code 80072 EFE.
  2. Caliban

    Caliban I don't need no steenkin' title!

    Greetings, mveli09wamabetho, and welcome to Major Geeks.

    If you suspect that the Windows Update issue is malware-related, then I suggest you go through the Malware Forum's Read & Run Me First thread, perform all of the suggested steps, and attach the requested logs to a new thread in that forum.

    As far as the memory stick problem: how are you transferring files? Are you copy/pasting, or are you using some other method?

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