repair smartmedia card

Discussion in 'Software' started by bdelapp, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. bdelapp

    bdelapp Specialist


    I have an Olympus camera, model C-3020 zoom.

    It uses a Sandisk ID SDSM-64 smart media card.

    The camera/card stopped working and gives a flashing F warning in the top screen of the camera which according to the book indicates a need to reformat. However, when you attempt to reformat in the camera the back display flashes ERROR !...

    I have reformated the card on my laptop and loaded pictures to the card from my computer and it works fine.

    I also tried, per instructions on the net downloading SMREP2 ans SMREP3 which when opened in order indicated 'drivers were missing'????

    I have a Belkin card reader installed as I have lost the original card reader.

    Am I missing something, is the camera trash???

    Appreciate any help... I luv the camera and hate to just pitch it away.

  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    Don't thing the camera is toast, but try another SM card in it to test.

    Sadly at times some media cards just do not work even with a re-format, I would try this which has helped me in the past with errant media cards.

    This needs a bit of time to do if you are not used to the Command Line (CMD) but should help.

    First click Start > Run and type CMD and hit enter (if you are using Windows Vista and above then once you type CMD and it shows in the search list right click and choose Run As Administrator)

    Then at the prompt type Diskpart and hit enter
    Then type List Disk and hit enter and make a note of the drives listed, then using your Media reader on your PC pop the SM card in and type List Disk again and hit enter, you should get a new addition to the disks listed than from before. (this is crucial as what we are about to do, if YOU choose the wrong disk then you will erase your PCs HDD)

    Make a note of the new listed disk and then follow the below.

    Type Select Disk # (where # is the number of the disk that was listed when you inserted your media card)

    Type Clean and hit enter

    Then pop into your camera and try and reformat it again, and see if that works.

    What Windows version and Service Pack are you using? this may help with the "drivers are missing" issue.
  3. bdelapp

    bdelapp Specialist

    Hi David,
    I just tried your suggestion and only C drive shows.
    Wish I had another card, I'd try it.
    The cards I've found online are very pricey with no guarantees.
  4. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    That's a pity the full format via Windows wouldn't work, you could try to see and if you have a friend that has a camera that takes those card, to see if their camera will format it, also does the card have a write protect tab, as some have a small tab that can be accidently flipped to read only, just check the card for a small tab that switches from write to read only.
  5. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    Looking through some old apps (having a clearout/update) noticed a HP USB formatter app, now while it says USB formatting, if you have a media card reader, it "may" see that as a USB drive.

    Worth a try as it will formation to FAT32, then you can try in your camera.

    App HERE (if using Windows vista/7/8 you may need to install as Admin *right click > Run as Administrator, you may also need to right click the shortcut and run the app the same way*)

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