Replies reversed

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by toni1595, Sep 4, 2006.

  1. toni1595

    toni1595 Private E-2

    Hello all. Really like this site. Have referred to it several times for some minor problems. One thing that I could never figure out was , why are the posts reversed? On most forums that I frequent, the question is setup first, then the replies follow in order. Here, the most recent reply is posted first, without really knowing what the original question was. I'm not criticizing, it is just different from the norm that's all. Of course it would be better for the one who asks the question originally I guess. Maybe its just my computer, I'll try turning it upside down. LOL. Toni.
  2. matt.chugg

    matt.chugg MajorGeek

    The way threads are displayed is a 'Per User' setting.

    Click on the 'User CP' link on the left of the top menu.

    Click on 'Edit Options'

    Scroll Down to 'Thread Display Options'

    Change the setting for 'Thread Display Mode' to Linear (Oldest First)

    Scroll to the bottom of the page and Click 'Save Settings'
  3. toni1595

    toni1595 Private E-2

    Well I guess that makes sense. Thanks Matt for the heads up........ I don't think I've even been into the User CP until today. I feel a little foolish for not looking into this more. I should have known that a site that deals with mainly computer use would have the option of setting the threads up in this manner. Thanks again, Toni.

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